§ 12-2-12. Redevelopment land use district., Article I. IN GENERAL, CHAPTER 12-2. ZONING DISTRICTS, Title XII. LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, Code of Ordinances, Pensacola (2024)

Latest version.

  • The regulations in this section shall be applicable to the gateway and waterfront redevelopment zoning districts: GRD and WRD.


    GRD, Gateway Redevelopment District.


    Purpose of district. The Gateway Redevelopment District is established to promote the orderly redevelopment of the southern gateway to the city in order to enhance its visual appearance, preserve a unique shoreline vista, improve traffic safety, and encourage a high quality of site planning and architectural design. Site specific analysis of each development proposal within the Gateway District is intended to ensure that the scenic orientation and open space image of the Bayfront Parkway is maintained, the development character of the Chase-Gregory corridor is upgraded, and the boundary of the adjacent historic district is positively reinforced.


    Uses permitted.


    Single-family residential (attached or detached) at a maximum density of seventeen and four-tenths (17.4) units per acre. Multi-family residential at a maximum density of one hundred (100) dwelling units per acre.


    Home occupations, subject to regulations in section 12-2-13.




    Adult entertainment establishments subject to the requirements of Chapter 7-3 of this Code when located within the dense business area as defined in Chapter 12-14, Definitions.


    All commercial uses permitted in the C-2A zone, with no outside storage or repair work allowed, with the exception:


    Mortuaries and funeral parlors.


    Appliance and repair shops.


    Public parking lots and parking garages.


    New car lots or used car lots.


    Public utility plants, transmission and generating stations, including radio and television broadcasting stations.


    Car or truck rental agencies or storage facilities.


    Family day care homes licensed by the Florida Department of Children and Family Services as defined in the Florida Statutes.


    Procedure for review of plans.


    Plan submission: All development plans must comply with development plan requirements set forth in subsections 12-2-81(C) and (D), and design standards and guidelines established in section 12-2-82. Every application for a new certificate of occupancy or a building permit to erect, construct, demolish, renovate or alter a building or sign, or exterior site work (i.e., paving and landscaping of off-street parking areas), located or to be located in the Gateway Redevelopment District shall be accompanied with drawings or sketches with sufficient detail to show, as far as they relate to exterior appearances, the architectural design of the building, sign, or exterior work (both before and after the proposed work is done in cases of altering, renovating, demolishing or razing a building or structure) including proposed materials, textures and colors, and the plot plan or site layout including all site improvements or features such as walls, fences, walks, terraces, plantings, accessory buildings, paved areas, signs, lights, awnings, canopies and other appurtenances.


    Review and approval. All plans shall be subject to the review and approval of the Gateway Review Board established in Chapter 12-13. At the time of review the board may require that any aspect of the overall site plan which does not meet the standards established in this section be incorporated and brought into compliance within a time limit approved by the board.


    Abbreviated review. Sign requests, paint colors, fencing, and emergency repairs which are consistent with the regulations and guidelines set forth in this section, may be approved by letter to the building official from the Gateway Review Board secretary and the chairman of the board. This provision is made in an effort to save the applicant and the board time for routine approval matters. If agreement cannot be reached as it pertains to such requests by the board secretary and chairman, then the matter will be referred to the board for a decision.


    Final development plan. If the Gateway Review Board approves a preliminary development plan, the owner shall submit a final development plan in accordance with the procedure set forth below within six (6) months of the date of approval of the preliminary plan of development. For good cause shown, the Gateway Review Board may, in its discretion, extend the time within which to file the final development plan for successive periods, the total of which shall not be more than an additional six (6) months. The final development plan shall be in basic conformity with the preliminary plan of development and comply with the other provisions of section 12-2-81 pertaining to the final development plan. If the applicant submits a final development plan which conforms to all the conditions and provisions of this chapter, then the Gateway Review Board shall conclude its consideration at its next regularly scheduled meeting.


    Regulations. Except where specific approval is granted by the Gateway Review Board for a variance due to unique and peculiar circ*mstances or needs resulting from the use, size, configuration or location of a site, requiring the modification of the regulations set forth below the regulations shall be as follows:


    Signs. Refer to sections 12-4-2 and 12-4-3 for general sign regulations and for a description of sign area calculations. In addition, the following regulations shall be applicable to signs only in the Gateway Redevelopment District.


    Number of signs. Each parcel under single ownership shall be limited to one sign per street adjacent to the parcel; provided, however, if there exists more than one establishment on the parcel, there may be one attached sign per establishment.


    Signs extending over public property. Signs extending over public property shall maintain a clear height of nine (9) feet above the sidewalk and no part of such signs shall be closer than eighteen (18) inches to the vertical plane of the curb line or edge of pavement.


    Permitted signs.


    Gregory, Chase and Alcaniz Streets, 9th Avenue.

    Attached signs:

      Height. No sign may extend above the roof line of the building to which it is attached. For purposes of this section roof surfaces constructed at an angle of seventy-five (75) degrees or more from horizontal shall be regarded as wall space.

      Size. Ten (10) percent of the building elevation square footage (wall area) which fronts on a public street, not to exceed fifty (50) square feet.

    Freestanding signs:

    Maximum sign height—20 feet.

    Maximum area for sign face—50 square feet.


    Bayfront Parkway.

    Attached signs:

      Height. No sign shall extend above the roof line of a building to which it is attached.

      Size. Ten (10) percent of the building elevation square footage (wall area) which fronts on a public street, not to exceed fifty (50) square feet.

    Freestanding signs:

    Distance from Curb
    Area Sign
    (Square Feet)
    Sign Height
    10 20 5
    20 35 7
    30 50 9


    All other streets and areas within the Gateway Redevelopment District:

    Attached signs:

      Height. No sign shall extend above the main roof line of a building to which it is attached.

      Size. Ten (10) percent of the building elevation square footage (wall area) which fronts on a public street, not to exceed twenty-five (25) square feet.

    Freestanding signs:

    Distance from Curb
    Area Sign
    (Square Feet)
    Sign Height
    10 20 5
    20 35 7
    30 50 9


    Other permitted signs:


    Signs directing and guiding traffic and parking on private property, bearing no advertising matter. Such signs shall not exceed three (3) square feet in size.


    Signs advertising the acceptance of credit cards not exceeding two (2) square feet in size and which are attached to buildings or permitted freestanding signs.


    Official traffic signs or signals, informational signs erected by a government agency and temporary signs indicating danger.


    Submission and review of sign plans. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor or owner requesting a sign permit to furnish two (2) plans of sign drawn to scale, including sign face area calculations, wind load calculations and construction materials to be used.


    Review of sign plans. All permanent signs within the Gateway Redevelopment District shall be reviewed as follows:


    The contractor or owner shall submit sign plans for the proposed sign as required herein. The Department of Planning and Neighborhood Development shall review the sign based on the requirements set forth in this section and the guidelines set forth in subsection (5)(b)7. herein and forward a recommendation to the Gateway Review Board.


    The Gateway Review Board shall review the planning staff recommendation concerning the sign and approve, or disapprove, the sign, it shall give the owner written reasons for such action.


    The owner shall have the right to appeal an adverse decision of the Gateway Review Board to the city council within thirty (30) days of the decision of the Gateway Review Board.


    Prohibited signs. Refer to section 12-4-7 for prohibited signs. In addition the following signs are prohibited within the Gateway Redevelopment District:


    Portable signs are prohibited except as permitted in section 12-4-6(E).


    Signs which are abandoned or create a safety hazard are not permitted. Abandoned signs are those advertising a business which becomes vacant and is unoccupied for a period of ninety (90) days or more.


    Signs which are not securely fixed on a permanent foundation are prohibited.


    Signs which are not consistent with the standards of this section are not permitted.


    Temporary signs: Only the following temporary signs shall be permitted in the Gateway Redevelopment District:


    Temporary banners indicating that a noncommercial special event, such as a fair, carnival, festival or similar happening, is to take place, are permitted with the following conditions:

    • Such signs may be erected no sooner than two (2) weeks before the event;

    • Such signs must be removed no later than three (3) days after the event.

    • Banners extending over street rights-of-way require approval from the mayor.


    One non-illuminated sign per street frontage advertising the sale, lease or rental of the lot or building upon which the sign is located. Such sign shall not exceed twelve (12) square feet in size, and shall be removed immediately after occupancy.


    One non-illuminated sign not more than fifty (50) square feet in area in connection with the new construction work and displayed only during such time as the actual construction work is in progress.


    Temporary signs permitted in section 12-4-6(H).


    Nonconforming signs:


    Compliance period. All existing signs which do not conform to the requirements of this section shall be made to comply by April 24, 1991. Provided, however, existing portable signs must be removed immediately.


    Removal of nonconforming signs. The building inspection superintendent shall notify the owner of a nonconforming sign in writing of compliance period specified above. Nonconforming signs shall either be removed or brought up to the requirements stated herein within the period of time prescribed in the compliance schedule. Thereafter, the owner of such sign shall have thirty (30) days to comply with the order to remove the nonconforming sign, or bring it into compliance. Upon expiration of the thirty-day period, if no action has been taken by the owner, he shall be deemed to be in violation of this section and the building inspection superintendent may take lawful enforcement action.


    Off-street parking. The following off-street parking requirements shall apply to all lots, parcels or tracts in the Gateway Redevelopment District:


    Off-street parking requirements in the district shall be based on the requirements set forth in Chapter 12-3 of the code. The required parking may be provided off-site by the owner/developer as specified in section 12-3-1(D).


    Off-street parking and service areas are prohibited within the Bayfront Parkway setback described in subsection (c) herein, unless these requirements cannot be met anywhere else on the site due to its size or configuration.


    Screening. Screening shall be provided along the edges of all parking areas visible from street rights-of-way. The screening may take the form of:

    A solid wall or fence (chain-link fences are prohibited) with a minimum height of four (4) feet which is compatible in design and materials with on-site architecture and nearby development; or an earth berm approximately three (3) feet in height which is landscaped to provide screening effective within three (3) years; or a combination of walls or fences and landscape screening; or landscape screening designed to provide positive screening within three (3) years.


    Street setback. The following building setbacks shall apply to the district:


    Bayfront Parkway setback/height requirements. All buildings located adjacent to the Bayfront Parkway shall be set back a minimum of fifty (50) feet from the northern parkway right-of-way line. At this minimum setback, building height may not exceed fifty (50) feet. Above fifty (50) feet in height, an additional one-foot setback shall be required for each additional two (2) feet in building height. This setback is intended as a landscaped buffer zone which preserves the open space character of the parkway.


    Gregory, Alcaniz and Chase Streets, 9th Avenue. Ten (10) feet from the right-of-way line.


    All other streets. Five (5) feet from the right-of-way line.


    Street frontage. Every lot, tract, or parcel of land utilized for any purpose permitted in this district shall have a street frontage of not less than fifty (50) feet. Any lot of record on the effective date of this title which is less than fifty (50) feet may be used as a site for only one establishment listed as a permitted use in paragraph (2) herein.


    Building height. No building shall exceed a maximum height of one hundred (100) feet.


    Vehicular access. Access to the following streets shall be limited as follows:


    Bayfront Parkway. No access shall be permitted from the parkway unless no other means exist for ingress and egress from the site.


    Gregory Street, Chase Street, Alcaniz Street, 9th Avenue and 14th Avenue. For each lot, tract, or parcel under single ownership, the maximum number of access points shall not exceed two (2) per street footage if driveway spacing standards can be met pursuant to section 12-4-82(C)(2).


    Landscaping. Landscaping requirements in the Gateway Redevelopment District shall be based on applicable requirements of Chapter 12-6. All service areas (i.e., trash collection containers, compactors, loading docks) shall be screened from street and adjacent buildings by one of the following techniques:

    Fence or wall, six (6) feet high;

    Vegetation, six (6) feet high (within three (3) years);

    A combination or the above.


    Underground utility services. All new building construction or additions of floor area to existing structures along Bayfront Parkway, Chase Street, Gregory Street, 9th Avenue and all property fronting Salamanca Street, shall be required to install underground utilities.


    Lot coverage. The total coverage of all development sites within the Gateway Redevelopment District, including all structures, parking areas, driveways and all other impervious surfaces, shall not exceed seventy-five (75) percent.


    Sidewalks. Developers of new construction or redevelopment projects shall repair, reconstruct, or construct new sidewalks on all sides of property fronting on a street.


    Consideration of floodprone areas. Portions of the district are within the one hundred-year floodplain. Site planning shall consider the special needs of floodprone areas.


    Storm drainage. Adequate storm drainage must be provided to prevent flooding or erosion. The surface drainage after development should not exceed the surface drainage before development. Flexibility in this guideline shall be considered by the city engineer based on capacity of nearby off-site stormwater drainage systems, the surrounding topography and the natural drainage pattern of the area.


    All mechanical equipment, satellite dishes and other similar equipment should be completely screened by the architecture of the structure, or fences, walls, or vegetation.


    Exemptions. All detached single-family and duplex residential development proposals are exempt from the provisions of this section and shall be developed in accordance with R-1A regulations set forth in section 12-2-4(E), with the exception of the height requirements.


    Development guidelines. The Gateway Redevelopment District is characterized by a variety of architectural styles with no common theme. The intent of these guidelines is to reduce the level of contrast between buildings and to create a more compatible appearance in architectural design, scale, materials and colors. All development within the Gateway Redevelopment District is encouraged to follow design guidelines as established in subsection 12-2-82(D). In addition, the following site planning guidelines shall be used by the Gateway Review Board in the review and approval of all development plans:


    Site planning. The integration of site features such as building arrangement, landscaping and parking lot layout is critical in producing a pleasant and functional living or working environment. In reviewing development proposals, the following guidelines shall be taken into consideration.


    Maximum preservation of bay views: Considering the bayfront location within the district, the placement of buildings, signs, service areas, parking and landscaping shall be planned to maximize the preservation of views of the bay and to protect the bayfront's scenic open space character. To prevent the effect of a "wall" of development along the inland edge of the parkway, the long axis of all buildings located on the corridor should be oriented parallel to the inland street grid, rather than parallel to the parkway itself. The preservation of ample open space between buildings, and the creation of a campus-like development pattern, are encouraged especially in the bayfront area. In addition, site planning throughout the district should recognize existing topographical variations and maximize this variation to maintain bay views.


    Development coordination: The preservation of bay views and the creation of a campus character development pattern cannot be achieved through the site planning of any single development; all development efforts within the district must be coordinated to achieve these objectives.


    Off-street parking and service: Off-street parking shall be discouraged within all street setbacks. Where possible, any service areas (i.e. trash collection, loading docks) shall be located to be screened by the building itself; otherwise, walls, fences, landscaping and earth berms shall be used to achieve effective screening.


    Architectural design and building elements.


    Buildings or structures which are part of a present or future group or complex shall have a unity of character and design. The relationship of forms and the use, texture, and color of materials shall be such as to create a harmonious whole.


    Buildings or structures located along strips of land or on single sites and not a part of a unified multibuilding complex shall strive to achieve visual harmony with the surroundings. It is not to be inferred that buildings must look alike or be of the same style to be compatible with the intent of the district. Compatibility can be achieved through the proper consideration of scale, proportions, site planning, landscaping, materials and use of color.


    Materials such as metal and plastic shall be discouraged on exterior surfaces of buildings.


    Severe or angular roof lines which exceed a pitch of 12-12 (forty-five degree angle) are discouraged. Exceptions to this guideline (i.e., churches) shall be considered on a case-by-case basis.


    Bright colors and intensely contrasting color schemes are discouraged within the district.


    Proposed development adjacent to the historic district should give special consideration to visual compatibility in scale and architectural design in order to positively reinforce the character of the historic area and provide a buffer and transition.


    The following guidelines concerning design, materials, lighting, landscaping, and positioning of permitted signs shall be considered:


    Design/materials. The architectural character of the building to which the sign relates should be reflected in the lettering of the sign, the materials used for the supporting structure and the sign face.


    Lighting. Indirect and internal lighting is encouraged. Neon and exposed fluorescent lighting is not encouraged.


    Copy. The sign copy should be limited to the name, address, and logo of the building complex, the major tenant or the business. The sign should be primarily used for communicating identity and locating the business, not for advertising.


    Landscaping. The landscaping and positioning of the sign should compliment the overall site plan and landscaping of the development.


    Maintenance standards. The following maintenance standards shall be applied to all structures and land parcels respectively, whether occupied or vacant within the Gateway Redevelopment District, subject to review and approval by the Gateway Review Board. Properties which do not conform to the maintenance standards described in subparagraphs (a) to (g) shall be made to comply as required by the city inspections office based on regular inspections or complaints.


    Building fronts, rears, and sides abutting streets and public areas. Rotten or weakened portions shall be removed, repaired or replaced.


    Windows. All windows must be tight-fitting. All broken and missing windows shall be replaced with new glass.


    Show windows and storefronts. All damaged, sagging or otherwise deteriorated storefronts, show windows or entrances shall be repaired or replaced.


    Exterior walls.


    Existing miscellaneous elements on the building walls, such as empty electrical conduit, unused signs and/or sign brackets, etc., shall be removed.


    Sheet metal gutters, downspouts and copings shall be repaired or replaced as necessary and shall be neatly located and securely installed.


    All exterior finishes and appurtenances such as paint, awnings, etc. shall be kept in a state of repair.




    All auxiliary structures on the roofs shall be kept clean, repaired or replaced.


    Roofs shall be cleaned and kept free of trash, debris or any other elements which are not a permanent part of the building.


    Front, rear, and side yards, parking areas and vacant parcels.


    When a front, rear or side yard, parking area or vacant parcel exists or is created through demolition, the owner may utilize the space in accordance with the provisions of the zoning district, provided, however, that the site shall be properly maintained free of weeds, litter, and garbage.


    Any landscaping which was installed to comply with regulations of this subsection must be maintained.


    Walls, fences, signs. Walls, fences, signs and other accessory structures shall be repaired and maintained.


    GRD-1, Gateway redevelopment district, Aragon redevelopment area.


    Purpose of district. The Gateway Redevelopment District, Aragon Redevelopment Area is established to promote the orderly development of the southern gateway to the city in order to enhance its visual appearance, preserve a unique shoreline vista, improve traffic safety, and encourage a high quality of site planning and architectural design. Site specific analysis of development proposed within the district is intended to ensure that the scenic orientation and open space image of the Bayfront Parkway is maintained and the boundary of the adjacent historic district is positively reinforced. Zoning regulations are intended to ensure that future development is compatible with and enhances the pedestrian scale of the existing structures and period architectural character of the adjacent historic district.


    Urban character of the district. The Aragon redevelopment area is characterized by integration of houses, shops, and work places. Mixed land use is encouraged by allowing home occupations and first floor work spaces with apartments and townhouses above. The Historic District is the basis for district architectural guidelines, which reflect the scale and lot sizes, and the list of permitted uses is similar to those uses permitted in the Historic District to the south.


    Uses permitted.


    GRD-1, residential uses.


    Single-family and multi-family residential (attached or detached) at a maximum overall density of seventeen and four tenths (17.4) units per acre.


    Bed and breakfast (subject to section 12-2-55).


    Home occupations allowing: Not more than sixty (60) percent of the floor area of the total buildings on the lot to be used for a home occupation; Retail sales shall be allowed limited to uses listed as conditional uses in subsection 3.(c)(1), below: Two (2) non-family members as employees in the home occupation; and a sign for the business not to exceed three (3) square feet shall be allowed.


    Community residential homes licensed by the Florida Department of Children and Family Services with six (6) or fewer residents providing that it is not to be located within one thousand (1,000) feet of another such home. If it is proposed to be within one thousand (1,000) feet of another such home, measured from property line to property line, it shall be permitted with city council approval after public notification of property owners in a five hundred-foot radius.


    Limited office space allowed only with residential use occupying a minimum of fifty (50) percent of total building square footage of principal and outbuildings.


    Family day care homes licensed by the Florida Department of Children and Family Services as defined in the Florida Statutes.


    GRD-1, public uses.


    Meeting hall, U.S. Post Office pavilion, buildings used for community purposes, not to exceed five thousand (5,000) square feet.


    Publicly owned or operated parks and playgrounds.


    Churches, Sunday school buildings and parish houses.


    GRD-1, commercial uses.


    The following uses limited to a maximum area of five thousand (5,000) square feet:


    Antique shops.


    Art galleries.


    Bakeries whose products are sold at retail and only on the premises.


    Banks (except drive-through).


    Barbershops and beauty shops.


    Childcare facilities (subject to Sec. 12-2-58).


    Health clubs, spas, and exercise centers.




    Laundry and dry cleaning pick-up stations.


    Office buildings.


    Restaurants (except drive-ins).


    Retail sales and services.


    Retail food and drugstore.


    Specialty shops.




    GRD-1, miscellaneous uses.


    Outbuildings and uses can include:

    • Garage apartments

    • Carriage house

    • Studios

    • Granny flats

    • Storage buildings

    • Garages

    • Swimming pools

    • Hot tubs

    • Offices

    Refer to Aragon Urban Regulations in Aragon Design Code for maximum impervious surface per lot type.


    Minor structures for utilities (gas, water, sewer, electric, telephone).


    Procedure for review.


    Review and approval by the Gateway Review Board: All activities regulated by this subsection, including preliminary and final site plan review, shall be subject to review and approval by the Gateway Review Board as established in subsection 12-13-4(A). Abbreviated review for paint colors, minor repairs and minor deviations in projects already approved by the board shall be in accordance with subsection 12-13-4(H). If agreement cannot be reached as it pertains to such request for abbreviated review by the board secretary and chairman then the matter will be referred to the Gateway Review Board for a decision.




    General consideration. The board shall consider plans for buildings based on regulations described herein. In their review of plans for new construction, the board shall consider exterior design and appearance of the building, including the front, sides, rear and roof; materials, textures and colors; plot plans or site layout, including features such as walls, walks, terraces, off-street paved areas, plantings, accessory buildings, signs and other appurtenances; and relation of the building to the immediate surroundings and to the district in which it is located. The term "exterior" shall be deemed to include all of the outer surfaces of the building and exterior site work, including painting, and is not restricted to those exteriors visible from a public street or place.


    Rules governing decisions. Before approving the plans for any proposed building located or to be located in a district, the board shall find:


    In the case of a proposed new building, that such building will not, in itself or by reason of its location on the site, impair the architectural or historic value of buildings in the immediate vicinity. No plans for new building will be approved if that building will be injurious to the general visual character of the district in which it is to be located considering visual compatibility standards such as height, proportion, shape, scale, style, materials and colors.


    In the case of a proposed alteration or addition to an existing building, that such alteration or addition will not impair the architectural value of the building.


    Plan submission: Every activity which requires plans in order to erect, construct, demolish, renovate or alter an exterior of a building, sign or exterior site work, located or to be located in the GRD-1 district shall be accompanied with drawings or sketches. All drawings must be drawn to scale and be legible. The minimum size scale for site plans is 1" = 20'0"; the minimum scale for floor plans is 1/8 " = 1'0"; and the minimum scale for exterior elevations is 1/8 " = 1'0". The scale for other items, such as signs and details, shall be as large as necessary to fully define the detail of those items. Major projects with very large buildings may vary from the scale referenced above for ease of presentation.


    Site plan:


    Indicate overall property dimensions and building size, and building setback line and building frontage zone.


    Indicate relationship of adjacent buildings, if any.


    Indicate layout of all driveways and parking on the site including materials.


    Indicate all fences, including materials, dimensions, architectural elements and color, and signs, with dimensions as required to show exact locations.


    Indicate existing trees and existing and new landscaping.


    Floor plan:


    Indicate locations and sizes of all exterior doors and windows.


    Indicate all porches, steps, ramps and handrails.


    For renovations or additions to existing buildings, indicate all existing conditions and features as well as the revised conditions and features and the relationship of both.


    Exterior elevations:


    Indicate all four (4) elevations of the exterior of the building.


    Indicate the relationship of this project to adjacent structures, if any.


    Indicate exposed foundation walls, including the type of material, screening, dimensions, and architectural elements.


    Indicate exterior wall materials, including type of materials, dimensions, architectural elements and color.


    Indicate exterior windows and doors, including type, style, dimensions, materials, architectural elements, trim, and colors.


    Indicate all porches, including ceilings, steps, and ramps, including type of materials, dimensions, architectural elements and color.


    Indicate all porch, stair, and ramp railings, including type of material, dimensions, architectural elements, trim, and color.


    Indicate roofs, including type of material, dimensions, architectural elements, associated trims and flashing, and color.


    Indicate all signs, whether they are building mounted or freestanding, including material, style, architectural elements, size and type of letters, and color. The signs must be drawn to scale in accurate relationship to the building and the site.




    Show enlarged details of any special features of either the building or the site that cannot be clearly depicted in any of the above-referenced drawings.


    Submission of photographs.


    Provide photographs of the site for the proposed new construction in sufficient quantity to indicate all existing site features, such as trees, fences, sidewalks, driveways, and topography.


    Provide photographs of the adjoining "street scape," including adjacent buildings to indicate the relationship of the new construction to these adjacent properties.


    Submission of descriptive product literature/brochures:


    Provide samples, photographs, or detailed, legible product literature on all windows, doors and shutters proposed for use in the project. The information must be sufficiently detailed to show style, dimensions, detailing, material type, and color.


    Provide descriptive literature, samples, or photographs showing specific detailed information about signs and letters, if necessary to augment or clarify information shown on the drawings. The information must be sufficiently detailed to show style, dimensions, detailing, material type, and color.


    Provide samples or descriptive literature on roofing material and type to augment the information on the drawings. The information must indicate dimensions, details, material, color and style.


    Provide samples or literature on any exterior light fixtures or other exterior ornamental features, such as wrought iron, railings, columns, posts, balusters, and newels. Indicate size, style, material, detailing and color.


    Regulations for any development within the GRD-1 zoning district. These regulations are intended to address the design and construction of elements common to any development within the GRD-1 zoning district which requires review and approval by the Gateway Review Board. Regulations and standards which relate specifically to new construction and/or structural rehabilitation and repairs to existing buildings, applicable to building heights, setbacks, architectural elements and construction types, are established below (more specifically addressed in Figure 12.2.2.B, Urban Regulations). The Aragon Design Code describes the building types and architectural styles that are considered to be compatible with the intent of the GRD-1 regulations. This definition of styles should be consulted to insure that the proper elements are used in combination in lieu of combining elements that are not appropriate for use together on the same building. Amendments to the Aragon Design Code may be made by the city council following a recommendation of the planning board and a public hearing before the city council, without necessity for amending this chapter.


    Building height limit. No building shall exceed the following height limits: Type I Townhouses and Type III Park Houses shall not exceed fifty-five (55) feet or three and one-half (3½) stories. Type II Cottages, Type IV Sideyard House, Type V Small Cottage, and Type VI Row House shall not exceed forty-five (45) feet or two and one-half (2½) stories. No outbuilding shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet or two and one-half (2½) stories. Refer to Aragon Design Code.




    Landscaping requirements in the GRD-1 district shall be based on Aragon Design Code.


    All service areas (i.e., dumpsters or trash handling areas, service entrances or utility facilities, loading docks or space) must be screened from adjoining property and from public view by one (1) of the following:

    • Fence or wall, six (6) feet high;

    • Vegetation, six (6) feet high (within three (3) years);

    • A combination of the above.


    Protection of trees. It is the intent of this section to recognize the contribution of shade trees and certain flowering trees to the overall character of the Aragon redevelopment area and to ensure the preservation of such trees as described below:


    Any of the following species having a minimum trunk diameter of eight (8) inches (twenty-five and one-tenth (25.1) inches in circumference) at a height of one (1) foot above grade: Live Oak and Water Oak; Magnolia having a minimum trunk diameter of six (6) inches (eighteen and eight-tenths (18.8) inches in circumference) at a height of one (1) foot above grade, and;


    Any of the following flowering trees with a minimum trunk diameter of four (4) inches (twelve and fifty-five one hundredths (12.55) inches in circumference) at a height of one (1) foot above grade: Redbud, Dogwood, and Crape myrtle.

    No person, organization, society, association or corporation, or any agent or representative thereof, directly or indirectly, shall cut down, destroy, undertake tree removal, or effectively destroy through damaging, any specimen or flowering tree, whether it be on private property or right-of-way within the GRD-1 district, without first having obtained a permit from the department of leisure services to do so. Refer to section 12-6-7 for tree removal permit application procedures and guidelines.


    Fences. Original fences in the older sections of the city were constructed of wood with a paint finish in many varying ornamental designs, or may have been constructed of brick or wrought iron. The style of the fence and the materials used typically related directly to the style and type of materials used for the building on the property. Refer to Aragon Design Code for required types of fences at different locations.

    On every corner lot on both public and private streets intersecting 9th Avenue a sight triangle described by the intersection of the projection of the outer curb (next to the driving lane) lines extended, and a line joining the points on those lines thirty (30) feet from said intersection shall be clear of any structure, solid waste container, parked vehicles, including recreational vehicles, or planting of such nature and dimension as to obstruct lateral vision, provided that this requirement shall generally not apply to tree trunks trimmed of foliage to eight (8) feet, and newly planted material with immature crown development allowing visibility, or a post, column, or similar structure which is no greater than one foot in cross-section diameter. Lateral vision shall be maintained between a height of three (3) feet and eight (8) feet above grade. All other streets and intersections within the GRD-1 district shall be exempt from the requirements of section 12-2-35, Required Visibility Triangle. In addition the following provisions apply:


    Chain-link, exposed masonry block and barbed-wire are prohibited fence materials in the GRD-1 district. Approved materials will include but not necessarily be limited to wood, brick, stone (base only) and wrought iron, or stucco. Materials can be used in combination.


    All wood or wrought iron fences shall be painted if the principal building is painted. Wood fences shall be constructed utilizing one of a variety of designs, especially a design which will reflect details similar to those on the building. It is recommended that the use of wrought iron or brick fences be constructed in conjunction with buildings which use masonry materials in their construction or at locations requiring them. "Dog ear pickets" are not acceptable. Refer to Architectural Standards in Aragon Design Code.


    Fences in the required front yard will be no higher than four (4) feet and six (6) feet, six (6) inches in the side and rear yards. On corner lots, fences constructed within the required street side yard shall not exceed four (4) feet in height if the fence would obstruct the visibility from an adjacent residential driveway. Otherwise fences within the required street side yard may be built to a maximum of six (6) feet, six (6) inches.



    • Informational signs—All informational signs, even if erected on private property, are subject to regulations contained in this section.

    • Commercial signs—It is the intent of the Aragon redevelopment area to recapture the turn-of-the century feeling of commerce in Aragon's core neighborhood. To this end, special consideration will be given to a variety of painted signs on brick and stucco walls, building cornices, canopies and awnings, even on sidewalks and curbs.

    • Sign style shall be complementary to the style of the building on the property. In the older sections of the city the support structure and trim work on a sign was typically ornamental, as well as functional.

    Refer to sections 12-4-2 and 12-4-3 for general sign standards and criteria and for a description of sign area calculations. In addition to the prohibited signs listed below, all signs listed in section 12-4-7 are prohibited within the GRD-1 district. The design, color scheme and materials of all signs shall be subject to approval by the Gateway Review Board. Only the following signs shall be permitted in the GRD-1 district.


    Permitted signs.


    Temporary accessory signs.

    One (1) non-illuminated sign advertising the sale, lease, or rental of the lot or building, said sign not exceeding two (2) square feet in area.

    One (1) non-illuminated sign per street frontage, not more than thirty-two (32) square feet in area in connection with new construction work related to Aragon's development, community sites, parks, or Privateer's Alley.


    Permanent accessory signs.

    Each mixed use or commercial property shall be limited to one (1) sign per lot for Type II through VI. The sign may be placed on the street side or alley frontage. Type I shall be limited to one (1) sign per street and one (1) for alley frontage. The sign may be projected from the building, a wall-mounted sign, or a painted sign. Signs projecting from a building or extending over public property shall maintain a clear height of nine (9) feet six (6) inches above the public property and shall not extend above the roof line on which it is attached. The sign may be mounted to or painted on the face of a wall of the building, hung from a bracket that is mounted to a wall of a building, or hung from other ornamental elements on the building. Attached or wall signs may be placed on the front or one (1) side of the building. The sign may be illuminated provided the source of light is not visible beyond the property line of the lot on which the sign is located.

    Advertising display area:

    GRD-1, Type II through Type VI residential home occupation and mixed use lots are not to exceed ten (10) square feet.

    GRD-1, Type I commercial lots are not to exceed thirty-five (35) square feet per street front.

    A combination of two (2) attached wall signs may be used, but shall not exceed a total of thirty-five (35) square feet.

    If fronting an alley the size shall not exceed twelve (12) square feet.

    One (1) non-illuminated nameplate designating the name of the occupant of the property; the nameplate shall not be larger than three (3) square feet and shall be attached flat against the wall of the building.

    Municipal or state installed directional signs, historical markers and other signs of a general public interest when approved by the mayor and board.


    Prohibited signs.


    Any sign using plastic materials for lettering or background.


    Internally illuminated signs.


    Portable signs.


    Nonaccessory signs.


    Back lit canvas awnings.


    Flashing, strobe, or neon signs.


    Neon signs placed inside a window.


    Driveways and sidewalks. The following regulations and standards apply to driveways and sidewalks in the GRD-1 District:


    Driveways shall be allowed at locations indicated in the Aragon Design Code.


    Where asphalt or concrete is used as a driveway material, the use of an appropriate coloring agent is allowed.


    From the street pavement edge to the building setback the only materials allowed shall be brick, concrete pavers, colored or approved stamped concrete or poured concrete.


    Sidewalks, construction, repair and maintenance of sidewalks are all required on public rights-of-way within the district. Sidewalks shall be constructed of concrete, a combination of concrete and either brick, concrete pavers or concrete poured and stamped with an ornamental pattern or smooth finish.


    Off-street parking. Off-street parking is required in the GRD-1 district. The requirements for off-street parking in this district recognize that the Aragon redevelopment area forms a transition neighborhood between the adjacent Historic District to the south, where off-street parking is not required in the Historic Commercial zoning districts and the remainder of the Gateway Redevelopment District where conventional off-street parking requirements apply. The off-street parking requirements in the GRD-1 district reflect a land use pattern that encourages small scale commercial land uses adjacent to residential uses that are accessible through a network of pedestrian improvements, such as sidewalks, plazas and open spaces. Because parking areas were not a common land use in the older sections of the city, their location is set forth in the standards.


    Residential uses.

    Single family and accessory unit—One (1) space/unit.

    Townhouse and multi-family—One (1) space/unit.

    Bed and breakfast—One (1) space per owner plus one (1) space/sleeping room.

    Home occupation—One (1) space/non-family employee.

    Community residential home—One (1) space/two (2) beds.


    Public uses.

    Meeting hall, U.S. Post Office pavilion, buildings used exclusively for federal, state, county or city governments for public purposes—One (1) space/five hundred (500) square feet.

    Publicly owned or operated parks and playgrounds—None required.

    Churches, Sunday school buildings and parish houses—One (1) space/four (4) fixed seats.


    Commercial uses.

    Antique shops—One (1) space/five hundred (500) square feet.

    Art galleries—One (1) space/five hundred (500) square feet.

    Bakeries (retail only)—One (1) space/five hundred (500) square feet.

    Barbershops and beauty shops—One (1) space/station and one (1) space/employee.

    Day care centers—One (1) space/employee plus one (1) space/classroom.

    Health clubs, spas and exercise centers—One (1) space/three hundred (300) square feet.

    Jewelers—One (1) space/five hundred (500) square feet.

    Laundry and dry cleaning pick-up stations—One (1) space/employee.

    Office buildings—One (1) space/five hundred (500) square feet.

    Restaurants (except drive-ins)—One (1) space/five hundred (500) square feet.

    Retail sales and services—One (1) space/five hundred (500) square feet.

    Retail food and drugstore—One (1) space/five hundred (500) square feet.

    Specialty shops—One (1) space/five hundred (500) square feet.

    Studios—One (1) space/fifty (50) square feet unless owner occupied.


    For Type I Townhouse the uses identified in subsections (g)1., 2., and 3. above, on-street parking on Romana Street and 9th Avenue within five hundred (500) feet of the building may be used towards this requirement for nonemployee parking only. One (1) off-street parking space shall be required for each employee in the building.


    Parking shall be screened from view of adjacent property and the street by fencing, landscaping or a combination of the two approved by the board, except in alley locations.


    Materials for parking areas shall be concrete, concrete or brick pavers, asphalt, oyster shells, clam shells or #57 granite, pea gravel or marble chips. Where asphalt or concrete are used, the use of a coloring agent is allowed. The use of acceptable stamped patterns on poured concrete is encouraged.


    For Type I Townhouse as an option to providing the required off-street parking as specified in subsections (g)1., 2., and 3. above, the required parking may be provided off-site by the owner/developer as specified in subsection 12-3-1(D).


    Paint colors. The Gateway Review Board has adopted palettes of colors considered compatible with historic colors from several paint manufacturers that represent acceptable colors for use in the GRD-1 district. Samples of these palettes can be reviewed at the office of the building inspector or the Secretary of the GRD Board.


    Outbuildings. Outbuildings shall not exceed a maximum height of thirty-five (35) feet. The accessory structure shall match the style, roof pitch, and other design features of the main residential structure.


    Architectural review standards (See Figure 12.2.2.B).


    Exterior lighting. Exterior lighting in the district will be post mounted street lights and building mounted lights adjacent to entryways or landscaping lights which are shielded. Lamps shall be typically ornamental in design and appropriate for the building style. Refer to Aragon Design Code, Architectural Standards.


    Exterior lighting fixtures must be appropriate for building style. Refer to Aragon Design Code, Architectural Standards.


    Exterior. Where exterior lighting is allowed to be detached from the building, the fixtures visible from off-premises (other than landscape lighting which is permitted) shall be post mounted and used adjacent to sidewalk or driveway entrances or around parking. If post mounted lights are used, they shall not exceed twelve (12) feet in height. Exterior lights shall be placed so that they do not shine directly at neighbors.


    The light element itself shall be a true gas lamp or shall be electrically operated using incandescent, halogen, metal halide or high pressure sodium lamps. Fluorescent and mercury vapor lamps are prohibited.


    The use of pole mounted high pressure sodium utility/security lights is prohibited.


    Exterior building walls. Exterior treatments will be of wood, cedar shingles, wood clapboard, board and batten or board on board, fiber-cement smooth lap siding (Hardiplank), brick, stone for Craftsman style buildings, or stucco. Building wall finish must be appropriate for building style (Refer to Aragon Design Code, Architectural Standards). Individual windows and porch openings, when rectangular, shall be square or vertical proportion and have multiple lights, unless architectural style dictates other combinations. Chimneys shall be architecturally compatible with the style. All primary structures are required to elevate their first finished floor eighteen (18) to thirty-six (36) inches above grade, except Type I Townhouse. Base treatment shall be articulated.


    Vinyl or metal siding is prohibited.


    Wood siding and trim shall be finished with paint or stain, utilizing colors approved by the board.


    Foundation piers shall be exposed brick masonry or sand textured plaster over masonry. If in-fill between piers is proposed, piers shall be skirted and screened in an opaque manner. It is encouraged that in-fill panels of wood lattice be utilized or brick screens where appropriate.


    Roofs. Roofs may be of metal, wood shake, dimensional asphalt shingle, slate, diamond shape asphalt shingles or single ply membrane or built up (for flat roofs), and must be of the appropriate architectural style. Roof pitch for sloped roofs above the main body shall be at least 8 on 12 on one- and two-story buildings and 6 on 12 on buildings with three (3) stories, unless architectural style dictates other slope, for example Craftsman. Eaves shall be appropriate for the architectural style. Shed roofs shall be allowed only against a principal building or perimeter wall. Flat roofs shall not be permitted without parapets, cornices, eaves overhangs boxed with modillions, dentrils, or other moldings. The maximum size of the roof deck, window's walks, towers, turrets, etc. is two hundred (200) square feet, with the maximum height of ten (10) feet above the maximum allowable building height.


    Eaves and soffits may be: wood, painted or stained; smooth finish or sand textured stucco soffits, if detailed appropriately; or fiber-cement, if detailed appropriately ("Hardisoffit" of Hardipanel" vertical siding panels). Eaves shall be appropriate for architectural style and type.


    Flashing may be anodized or pre-finished aluminum, galvanized steel of naturally weathered copper.


    Gutters and downspouts may be anodized or pre-finished aluminum, galvanized steel or naturally weathered copper.


    Balconies and porches. Front porches are required for all Type II through Type V principal structures, and porches or balconies are required for Type I and Type VI principal structures. Type I principal structure balconies supported by columns, the outside edge of the columns shall be located at the outside edge of the public sidewalk, and the balcony shall not extend past the columns. Balconies shall not be cantilevered more than eight (8) feet. See Figure 12.2.2.B for balcony and porch dimensions.


    Doors. Entrance doors with an in-fill of raised panels below and glazed panels above were typically used in older sections of the city. Single doorways with a glazed transom above allows for both light and ventilation to enter the entrance way or entrance foyer of the building. Double doors are usually associated with a larger home or building layout.


    Doors are to be appropriate for building style and type. Entrance doors shall be fabricated of solid wood, metal, or fiberglass. Refer to Aragon Design Code, Architectural Standards and Architectural Styles.


    Windows. Individual windows shall have vertical proportion.


    Windows are to be fabricated of wood or vinyl clad wood windows. Solid vinyl windows may be used if the components (jamb, sash, frame, sill, etc.) are sized and proportioned to duplicate wood. Steel or aluminum windows are prohibited.


    All individual windows shall conform to vertical proportions of not less than 1:1.5, unless architectural styles dictate otherwise. Assemblage of complying window units to create large window openings is acceptable. Kitchen and bathroom windows are considered exceptions and are not regulated by vertical proportions, but are subject to approval if they detract from the overall vertical orientation.


    Window sections shall be appropriate for style. Refer to Aragon Design Code.


    The window frame will be given a paint finish appropriate to the color scheme of the exterior of the building.


    Window trim or casing is to be a nominal five (5) inch member at all sides, head and sill.


    Glass for use in windows shall typically be clear, but a light tinted glass will be given consideration by the Gateway Review Board.


    Highly reflected glazing is prohibited. Insulated glass units are encouraged.


    Shutters. Shutters are an exterior ornamental and functional architectural feature that have traditionally been used on windows, and occasionally, on doors.


    Shutters may be operable or fixed.


    If shutters are to be used on a project, they must be dimensioned to the proper size so that they would completely cover the window both in width and height if they were closed.


    The style of the shutters must be louvered, flat vertical boards or paneled boards, with final determination being based on compatibility with the overall building design.


    Shutter to be fabricated of wood or vinyl.


    Shutter are to be appropriate for building style and type. Refer to Aragon Design Code, Architectural Styles.


    Chimneys. Chimneys constructed of brick masonry, exposed or cement plastered, are architecturally compatible.


    The chimney or chimneys are to be constructed of masonry with the exposed surface to be brick or sand textured plaster. Rough texture stucco is prohibited.


    The finished exposed surface of chimneys are to be left natural without any paint finish, unless the chimney is plastered or stuccoed.


    Flashing shall consist of galvanized steel, copper sheet metal or painted aluminum.


    The extent of simplicity or ornamentation shall be commensurate with the overall style and size of the building on which the chimney is constructed.


    Trim and miscellaneous ornament.


    Trim and ornament, where used, is to be fabricated of wood, stucco or stone.


    Trim and ornament will be painted to match, or be coordinated with, door and window casings, porch railings, porch columns, and basic projecting elements of the building.


    Miscellaneous mechanical equipment.


    Air conditioning condensing units shall not be mounted on any roof where they are visible from any street.


    Air conditioning condensing units that are mounted on the ground shall be in either side yards or rear yards.


    Visual screening consisting of ornamental fencing or landscaping shall be installed around all air conditioning condensing units to conceal them from view from any adjacent street or property owner.


    Exhaust fans or other building penetrations as may be required by other authorities shall be allowed to penetrate the wall or the roof but only in locations where they can be concealed from view from any street. No penetrations shall be allowed on the front of the building. They may be allowed on side walls if they are properly screened. It is desirable that any penetrations occur on rear walls or the rear side of roofs.


    Accessibility ramps and outdoor stairs.


    Whenever possible, accessibility ramps and outdoor stairways shall be located to the side or the rear of the property.


    The design of accessibility ramps and outdoor stairs shall be consistent with the architectural style of the building.


    Building elements, materials and construction methods shall be consistent with the existing structure.




    Outbuildings shall be detailed in a manner similar to the house. Detached garages are strongly encouraged.


    Accessory dwelling units are permitted and encouraged, and shall be detailed in a manner similar to the house.


    Additional regulations. In addition to the regulations established above in section 12-2-10(B)(5)(a) through (j), any permitted use within the GRD-1 zoning district where alcoholic beverages are ordinarily sold is subject to the requirements of Chapter 7-4, Alcoholic Beverages, of this Code.


    Procedures for review of renovation, alterations, and additions to structures within the GRD-1 district. The regulations and standards established in subsections 12-2-12(b)(1) through (5) above, shall apply to all plans for the renovation, alteration and addition to structures within the GRD-1 district.


    Abbreviated review. Sign requests, paint colors, fencing, and emergency repairs which are consistent with the regulations and standards set forth in subsection 12-2-12(B) may be approved by letter to the building official from the board secretary and the chairman of the Gateway Review Board. If agreement cannot be reached as it pertains to such request for abbreviated review by the board secretary and chairman, then the matter will be referred to the entire board for a decision.

    § 12-2-12. Redevelopment land use district., Article I. IN GENERAL, CHAPTER 12-2. ZONING DISTRICTS, Title XII. LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, Code of Ordinances, Pensacola (1)


    § 12-2-12. Redevelopment land use district., Article I. IN GENERAL, CHAPTER 12-2. ZONING DISTRICTS, Title XII. LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, Code of Ordinances, Pensacola (2)

    § 12-2-12. Redevelopment land use district., Article I. IN GENERAL, CHAPTER 12-2. ZONING DISTRICTS, Title XII. LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, Code of Ordinances, Pensacola (3)

    § 12-2-12. Redevelopment land use district., Article I. IN GENERAL, CHAPTER 12-2. ZONING DISTRICTS, Title XII. LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, Code of Ordinances, Pensacola (4)

    § 12-2-12. Redevelopment land use district., Article I. IN GENERAL, CHAPTER 12-2. ZONING DISTRICTS, Title XII. LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, Code of Ordinances, Pensacola (5)

    § 12-2-12. Redevelopment land use district., Article I. IN GENERAL, CHAPTER 12-2. ZONING DISTRICTS, Title XII. LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, Code of Ordinances, Pensacola (6)

    § 12-2-12. Redevelopment land use district., Article I. IN GENERAL, CHAPTER 12-2. ZONING DISTRICTS, Title XII. LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, Code of Ordinances, Pensacola (7)

    § 12-2-12. Redevelopment land use district., Article I. IN GENERAL, CHAPTER 12-2. ZONING DISTRICTS, Title XII. LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, Code of Ordinances, Pensacola (8)

    § 12-2-12. Redevelopment land use district., Article I. IN GENERAL, CHAPTER 12-2. ZONING DISTRICTS, Title XII. LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, Code of Ordinances, Pensacola (9)

    § 12-2-12. Redevelopment land use district., Article I. IN GENERAL, CHAPTER 12-2. ZONING DISTRICTS, Title XII. LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, Code of Ordinances, Pensacola (10)

    § 12-2-12. Redevelopment land use district., Article I. IN GENERAL, CHAPTER 12-2. ZONING DISTRICTS, Title XII. LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, Code of Ordinances, Pensacola (11)



    WRD, waterfront redevelopment district.


    Purpose of district. The waterfront redevelopment district is established to promote redevelopment of the city's downtown waterfront with a compatible mixture of water-dependent and water-related uses which preserve the unique shoreline vista and scenic opportunities, provide public access, create a cultural meeting place for the public, preserve the working waterfront activities historically located in the waterfront area, and encourage a high quality of site planning and architectural design. Site specific analysis of each development proposal within the district is intended to ensure that the scenic vistas and marine-oriented image of the district are maintained, that the development character of the waterfront is upgraded and that the boundaries of the adjacent special districts are positively reinforced.


    Uses permitted.


    Single-family residential (attached or detached) at a maximum density of seventeen and four-tenths (17.4) units per acre. Multi-family residential at a maximum density of sixty (60) dwelling units per acre.


    Home occupations, subject to regulations in section 12-2-33.




    Libraries and community centers opened to the public and buildings used exclusively by the federal, state, county and city government for public purposes.






    Parking garages.


    The following retail sales and services:


    Retail food and drug stores (including package liquor store).


    Personal service shops.


    Clothing stores.


    Specialty shops.




    Bakeries whose products are sold at retail on the premises.


    Antique shops.


    Floral shops.


    Health clubs, spa and exercise centers.




    Laundry and dry cleaning pick-up stations.






    Art galleries.


    Sale or rental of sporting goods or equipment including instructions in skiing, sailing, or scuba diving.


    Boat rentals waterside only with limited upland storage.




    Commercial fishing.


    Ferry and passenger terminals.


    Cruise ship operations.


    Family day care homes licensed by the Florida Department of Children and Family Services as defined in the Florida Statutes.


    Procedure for review of plans.


    Plan submission. Every application to construct a new structure in the waterfront redevelopment district shall be subject to the development plan review and approval procedure established in section 12-2-81. Every application for a new certificate of occupancy or a building permit to erect, construct, demolish, renovate or alter a building or sign, or exterior site work (i.e., paving and landscaping of off-street parking areas), located or to be located in the waterfront redevelopment district shall be accompanied with drawings or sketches with sufficient detail to show, as far as they relate to exterior appearances, the architectural design of the building, sign, or exterior work (both before and after the proposed work is done in cases of altering, renovating, demolishing or razing a building or structure) including proposed materials, textures and colors, and the plot plan or site layout including all site improvements or features such as walls, fences, walks, terraces, plantings, accessory buildings, paved areas, signs, lights, awnings, canopies and other appurtenances. All developments within the waterfront redevelopment district must comply with design standards as established in section 12-2-82.


    Review and approval. All plans shall be subject to the review and approval of the planning board established in Chapter 12-13. At the time of review the board may require that any aspect of the overall site plan which does not meet the standards established in this section be incorporated and brought into compliance within a time limit approved by the board. Review by the planning board of applications for zoning variances shall be as provided for under section 12-13-2(F)(f).


    Abbreviated review. Sign requests, paint colors, fencing, and emergency repairs which are consistent with the regulations and guidelines set forth in this section, may be approved by letter to the building official from the planning board secretary and the chairman of the board. This provision is made in an effort to save the applicant and the board time for routine approval matters. If agreement cannot be reached as it pertains to such requests by the board secretary and chairman, then the matter will be referred to the board for a decision.




    Signs. The following provisions shall be applicable to signs in the district.


    Number of signs. Each parcel shall be limited to one sign per street frontage; provided, however, if there exists more than one establishment on the parcel, there may be one attached sign per establishment.


    Signs extending over public property. Signs extending over public property shall maintain a clear height of nine (9) feet above the sidewalk and no part of such signs shall be closer than eighteen (18) inches to the vertical plane of the curb line or edge of the pavement.


    Sign size and height limitations.


    Attached signs:

      Size: Ten (10) percent of the building elevation square footage (wall area) which fronts on a public street, not to exceed fifty (50) square feet. Buildings exceeding five (5) stories in height; one attached wall sign or combination of wall signs not to exceed two hundred (200) square feet and mounted on the fifth floor or above.

      Height: No sign may extend above the roof line of the building to which it is attached. For the purposes of this section roof surfaces constructed at an angle of sixty-five (65) degrees or more from horizontal shall be regarded as walls.


    Freestanding signs.

      Size: Fifty (50) square feet.

      Height: Ten (10) feet (top of sign).


    Other permitted signs.


    Signs directing and guiding traffic and parking on private property, bearing no advertising matter. Such signs shall not exceed two (2) square feet in size.


    Signs advertising the acceptance of credit cards not exceeding two (2) square feet in size and which are attached to buildings or permitted freestanding signs.


    Official traffic signs or signals, informational signs erected by a government agency and temporary signs indicating danger.


    Prohibited signs. Refer to section 12-4-7 for a description of prohibited signs. In addition the following signs are prohibited within the district:


    Portable signs.


    Signs which are abandoned or create a safety hazard. Abandoned signs are those advertising a business which becomes vacant and is unoccupied for a period of ninety (90) days or more.


    Signs which are not securely fixed on a permanent foundation.


    Strings of light bulbs, other than holiday decorations, streamers and pennants.


    Signs that present an optical illusion, incorporated projected images, or emit sound.


    Secondary advertising signs (i.e., signs which advertise a brand name product in addition to the name of the business).


    Temporary signs. The following temporary signs shall be permitted in the district:


    Temporary banners indicating that a noncommercial special event such as a fair, carnival, festival or similar happening is to take place, are permitted with the following conditions: Such banners may be erected no sooner than two (2) weeks before the event and banners extending over street rights-of-way require approval from the mayor.


    One non-illuminated sign per street frontage advertising the sale, lease or rental of the lot or building upon which the sign is located. Such sign shall not exceed twelve (12) square feet in size, and shall be removed immediately after occupancy.


    One non-illuminated sign not more than fifty (50) square feet in area in connection with new construction work and displayed only during such time as the actual construction work is in progress.


    Off-street parking. The following off-street parking requirement shall apply to all lots, parcels, or tracts in the district: Off-street parking requirements in the waterfront redevelopment district shall be based on the requirements set forth in Chapter 12-3. The required parking may be provided off-site by the owner/developer as specified in subection 12-3-1(D). Screening shall be provided along the edges of all parking areas visible from the street rights-of-way. This screening may take the form of:

    A solid wall or fence (chain-link fences are prohibited) with a minimum height of four (4) feet which is compatible in design and materials with on-site architecture and nearby development; or

    An earth berm approximately three (3) feet in height which is landscaped to provide positive screening effective within three (3) years; or

    A combination of walls or fences and landscape screening, or landscape screening designed to provide positive screening within three (3) years.


    Vehicular access. For each lot, tract or parcel under single ownership, the maximum number of access points shall not exceed two (2) per street frontage.


    Landscaping. Landscaping requirements in the district shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 12-6. All service areas (i.e., trash collection containers, compactors, loading docks) shall be screened with at least seventy-five (75) percent opacity from the street and adjacent buildings by one of the following techniques:

    Fence or wall and gate, six (6) feet high;

    Vegetation, six (6) feet high (within three (3) years); or

    A combination of the above.


    Underground utility services. All new building construction or additions of floor area to existing structures shall be required to install underground utilities on the site.


    Lot coverage. The total coverage of the site including all structures, parking areas, driveways and all other impervious surfaces shall not exceed seventy-five (75) percent.


    Setback/height requirements. No building shall exceed a maximum height of sixty (60) feet in the waterfront redevelopment district.


    Shoreline setback/height requirements. All buildings shall be set back a minimum of thirty (30) feet from the shoreline or the bulkhead line. At this minimum setback line, the building height may not exceed thirty-five (35) feet. Above thirty-five (35) feet in height, an additional one foot in building height may be permitted for each additional one (1) foot in setback with a maximum building height of sixty (60) feet. The minimum setback from the shoreline may be decreased by the planning board and the council during the review process to permit reuse of existing buildings, structures or foundations with a lesser setback.


    Main Street setback/height requirements. All buildings shall be setback a minimum of sixty (60) feet from the centerline of Main Street. At this minimum setback line, the building height may not exceed sixty (60) feet.


    Additional regulations. In addition to the regulations established above in subsections 12-2-12(C)(4)(a) through (g), any permitted use within the WRD zoning district where alcoholic beverages are ordinarily sold is subject to the requirements of Chapter 7-4 of this Code.


    Regulations. All developments within the waterfront redevelopment district are encouraged to follow the design guidelines established in subsection 12-2-82(D). In addition, the following site planning guidelines should be taken into consideration in the required development plans.


    Site planning. The integration of site features such as building arrangement, landscaping, parking lot layout, public access points, building orientation, and scenic vantage points is critical in producing a pleasant and functional living or working environment. In reviewing development proposals, the following guidelines shall be taken into consideration:


    Maximum preservation of waterfront views. Considering the waterfront location of the district, the placement of buildings, signs, service areas, parking and landscaping shall be planned to maximize the preservation of views of the bay and to protect the waterfront scenic open space character. To prevent the effect of a "wall" of development along the edge of the waterfront and adjacent streets, open space should be encouraged between buildings and under elevated buildings. Pedestrian circulation systems should be designed to form a convenient, interconnected network through buildings, landscaped open spaces and public walkways. The longer side of each building should be sited perpendicular to the water's edge in order to preserve water views from the street.


    Building orientation. Buildings should be oriented to maximize the waterfront view potential within the district while maintaining quality facade treatment and design on the streetside. Structures should be positioned to provide viewing opportunities of the water and the shoreline edge between buildings. The location of solid waste receptacles, service entrances, loading docks, storage buildings and mechanical and air conditioning equipment and other items typically situated at the backside of buildings should be discouraged within the area between the building and the water's edge.


    Off-street parking and service. Off-street parking shall be discourage within the shoreline setback area. Where possible, service areas (i.e., trash collection, loading docks) shall be located to be screened by the building itself; otherwise, walls, fences, landscaping and earth berms shall be used to achieve effective screening.


    Aesthetic considerations. Development projects within the district are not subject to special architectural review and approval. In lieu of a special separate review procedure, the following general architectural and aesthetic design criteria will be considered to enhance the character of the district:


    Buildings or structures which are part of a present or future group or complex shall have a unity of character and design. The relationship of forms and the use, texture, and color of materials shall be such as to create a harmonious whole.


    Natural materials such as brick, wood and stucco should be encouraged. Materials such as metal and plastic shall be discouraged on exterior surfaces of buildings.


    All mechanical equipment, satellite dishes and other similar equipment should be completely screened by the architecture of the structure, or fences, walls or vegetation.


    Proposed developments within the Waterfront Redevelopment District which are located adjacent to a historic district should give special consideration to visual compatibility in scale and architectural design in order to positively reinforce the character of the historic area and provide a buffer and transition.


    Projects should be encouraged which enhance the setting or provide for adaptive reuse of historic buildings and sites.


    Landscaping guidelines. Landscaping should be used to enhance waterfront views and vistas and to screen undesirable features. Low lying plant material should be used in open areas to retain views of the water. Trees should be selectively utilized and carefully located along the waterfront in both public and private developments in order to maintain existing views as much as possible. Plantings should be coordinated near buildings to provide view corridors.


    Sign guidelines.


    Design/materials. The architectural character of the building to which the sign relates should be reflected in the lettering of the sign, and the materials used for the supporting structure and the sign face.


    Lighting. Indirect and internal lighting is encouraged. Neon and exposed fluorescent lighting is not encouraged.


    Copy. The sign copy should be limited to the name, address, and logo of the building complex, the major tenant or the business. The sign should be primarily used for communicating, identifying, and locating the business, not for advertising.


    Landscaping. The landscaping and positioning of the sign should complement the overall site plan and landscaping of the development.

    § 12-2-12. Redevelopment land use district., Article I. IN GENERAL, CHAPTER 12-2. ZONING DISTRICTS, Title XII. LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, Code of Ordinances, Pensacola (12)

    Waterfront Development District

§ 12-2-12. Redevelopment land use district., Article I. IN GENERAL, CHAPTER 12-2. ZONING DISTRICTS, Title XII. LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, Code of Ordinances, Pensacola (2024)


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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.