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All he had to do now was to work hard to improve. Only by cultivating yourself and establishing your power can you marry Ye Qin A thought about reincarnation Jiang Shi shouted, and images suddenly appeared behind him.

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The rest of the people will follow me back to Tianxing Boom Xiao Yu smashed the space with a punch and opened up a wide tunnel.

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He followed the footprints and disappeared until they reached the edge of the swamp. Could it be that these two guys looked at the swamp ahead and jumped into it Jiang Shi's thoughts were racing.

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Fengliu, this is my domain of fire.

It emitted a bright light and secretly blasted out a powerful ice energy At the same time, Jiang Shi slashed with his sword, first breaking Qinghuang's barrier, and then slashed at Xiaoyuhuang's head with supreme power At the same time, the Eight Wilderness Heavenly Soul Flag flew out instantly, and Ruxuan led hundreds of millions of ghosts to erode Xiao Yuhuang's body Everyone was speechless and stunned.

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Shua Jiang Shi unfolded the folding fan, closed his eyes slightly, and secretly used the Nine Palaces and Bagua technique to spy on the secret.

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There is another person who is the boss of everyone.

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The flames appeared, the sky and the earth were darkened, and they killed the sky in a rage Jiang Shi's Domain of Fire has become his tyrannical trump card from today on In his realm of fire, this is a world of fire.

They were standing here holding magic weapons, suppressing something. Jiang Shi looked carefully and found that there were rays of light flowing inside the four statues.

Let's return to the military camp first The underworld has the intention to invade the God Realm. This is a big deal and I must report it to my father Nangong De has the world in mind, worthy of being a hero guarding the underworld.

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It is guaranteed that Qinghuang will come forward to stop it.

He is not angry and has a strong demeanor.

How could he fall here I am victorious I am the Emperor of Heaven I will never admit defeat Jiang Shi insisted on his belief and clenched his fists.

When he was in the world of cultivation, in addition to relying on the power of the God killing Technique, he also relied more on the magic of formations The formation together is mysterious and unpredictable.

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.