The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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Cleveland, Ohio

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I PAGE NINETEEN CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER Ray Zeh Star ootball Pitcher Shows How He Will ire Against I ftn THEN RILES BALL TRUSTY RIGHT TO SURVEY BATTLEIELD SNARES PASS ROM HAW MAKES 3D EDWARDS DRIVES LINE HARVARD CHANGE Birkholtz and Wedebrooke Will ace Northwestern Daughters Is Shifted to Ten Second Man Plays for Michigan 4 Uses Own Device to Ob Zeh and Kelker tain Results mory Tonight Line Averages 190 JAMES in DOYLl even Bill Hall two ves 7 graduated last The 0 Alopecia SAVER old stile'were Mrs 88 Shoulder Brace nickel cigars Senate Grid Teams Shift Important ray to riday Night Oct 23 at Stadium WALLACE SCHWARZ COMPANY Cleveland Ohio DitriWr 3 BO HBO? MONTHS OLD LA AUNA EXCELLENTE CIGAR VALU to SO Aurora with 82 ladies' Pitt! and the ing will scored yard Chicago today tion by a n' eye ill effects from right eye at old High years precisely the same words go and we'il go fast Oet 13 his Army on funda freshmen Greater Con Running will take more KNOW THE COACHES Young and old! where an examina specialist showed no the bad cut over his SCHOLASTIC NOTES by George Crumbaugh and or Men! A PINT 90 PROO the kind' of foot the Buckeyes last Lynn Waldorf of his line drill today in preparation for 4000 TO WH VAUGHN SHARKEY or Women! st Hearn and candidates Blickle is now coming from course and backfielders so unimpressive in that Coach Herb off the first squad make good the Arrange Exhibitions CHICAGO Oct 13 Rcpre of the Chicago White Sox burgh Pirates St Louis Browns Chicago Cubs met today to lay ground work for a spring train exhibition schedule in which all participate thorough session todav giving the in a scrimmage to test the tackling and then turning work on the regulars' block 1ILINOIS CHAMPAIGN Ill Oct (AD Veterans will get the call for Illi nois Saturday against Iowa Coach Bob Zttppke indicated today In the varsity line up were only three first year Jay Wardley quarter back Bob Castelo end and Harry Lasater guard Wilbur Henry a veteran was moved into the left halfback post which has been occu pied by Leo Stasica and rank Bel! took over the left end job from Sophom*ore Bill Johnson Right End Crimson Walter Barbour nineteen year old brother of Bill Barbour Hawthorne pro won the Cleveland Trust Co championship witn a (9 at Norm isher was runner up Gladys Kay repeated as champion scoring 102 I' VVEnXESDAY OCTOBKft 14 103(1 Mrs Tarbell won the White way trophy 36 hole play at Pine Ridge with 188 net Mrs Dedreux won (he Gehring trophy eighteen holes with 90 net Mrs Reinhardt was elected chairman of the golf committee for 1937 Licensed by OHIO MEDICAL BOARD DRESS SUITS Tn Rent lor nil OrraMona COMMODORE 1IKKSS IT RENTAL 1I3OJ Euclid GArf S' Koprowski Leads Xavier Backs CINCINNATI Oct 13 Koprowski former Cleveland Cathe dral Latin star who has gained 283 yards in 24 attempts for an average of 83 yards per try in two games this season will be chief hope against Ohio Wesleyan at Dela ware Saturday THIS WHISKEY IS PHILADELPHIA Oct 13 (AP1 Harvey Harman Penn coach today named Lew Elverson captain for the Princeton game and indicated he will call the signals from quarter back Against Yale last week Half back ran Murray ran the team PRINCETON PRINCETON Oct (API The Princeton team studied Penn defensive formations in a dummy scrimmage against the scrubs today Chick Kaufman who was kept out of the Rutgers game hv an injury took part in a punting drill and ap peared fully recovered Sport Trail Sporting Goods Second loor We Give and Redeem Eagle Stampe NEW HAVEN Conn Oct AP) under the Hoodlights the Yale varsity staged an offensive scrimmage against the scrubs and scored one touchdown Clint rank quarterback and passer and Morn Scott tackle were out because of an injured linger and a cold respective ly William (Bill) Hall John director of football basketball and track is one of veteran coaches Hall came to John Hay the year it was opened 1929 TECH AND LINCOLN TO PLAY UNDER LIGHTS BOURBON WHISKEY 1 Clevelanders will get their first glimpse of scholastic football under the floodlights this season when West Tech and Lincoln clash at the stadium riday night Oct 23 The two neighborhood rivals were originally scheduled to meet at West Tech ield in an afternoon game but because the game will have an important bearing on the Senate title race it has been shifted John Car roll has been using the' stadium ri day nights but the Blue game next week is with Case Satur day afternoon at the stadium Should Lincoln defeat Central at Thomas Edison ield riday and West Tech hurdle South at West Tech Saturdav the stadium fray will be a battle for first place in the Senate race LAKEWOOD Lakewood reserves will meet West High reserves at Lakewood ield to morrow afternoon CATHEDRAL LATIN Jack Krosse Cathedral Latin left guard who hails ftom Painesville typifies not only the spirit of Latin but is the personification of per severance Krosse was spring practice Eisele kept him Determined to Painesville youth practiced during the summer and is now one of the main team 2 OHIO SOPH BACKS TO SEE MUCH ACTION JAMES CLARK DISTILLING CORP JERSEY CITY Makers of MOUNTAIN CABIN STRAIGHT BOURBON WHIBKtY 90 PAOO this time a Greater Western vs Baldwin Wallace at DAME Ind Oct graduate of West is secre Arthur Erie Railroad official is und the idea is for to charge against it and around the field ney with a right good will Even wnen Coach Edwards aboard up in the rigging Ly'1 CAMBRIDGE Mass Oct 13 Dick Harlow Harvard coach made his third line up change of the week today promoting Sophom*ore Don Daughters to right end on the varsity This gave the Crimson a 190 pound line for the Armv game Pass defense and new plays were featured in the workout ARMY WEST POINT Gar Davidson gave squad a mentals the ball varsity about to ing WIUWIIUII a A 4 "But Mr Brown "I call them closely matched ball teams lines are as even as you could ask for They've got that razzle dazzle in their backfield of more their have got a load of confidence in themselves Whatever they plan to (Continued on Page 201 If the accurate toe of Haerr which has already accounted fnr nine ex tra points conquers Reserve Coach Bill Edwards will accept part of the blame When Edwards was assist ant coach at Springfield (O) High School he took Haerr under his wing and schooled him in that important art Led Bob Lickert who accounted for five touchdowns between them Collin wood's reserves swamped the East Tech reserves 40 to 0 at Thomas Edison ield yesterday Ml By John Dietrich Victory or defeat for West ern Reserve in the Ii" our battle with Baldwin Wallace Saturday at League Park will depend upon the efficiency of Bill a specially de signed blocking machine This apparatus perfected by the Reserve coach resembles in appear ance a river dredge hauled ashore It must weigh a ton and it cost $64 cash The device has heavy padding on one end linemen bunt it bunting terday climbed and rode around not unlike a sea man taking in sail the ship still bobbed and heaved when two hardy Red Cats applied their shoulders vigorously Bill Is Insistent The question unanswered how ever is whether or not this sea worthy land craft is as tough as the Baldwin Wallace line which gets to be a very tough line sometimes as they can verify in Syracuse Anyone who knows Bill background which is that of a very fine lineman at Wittenberg can ap preciate why Reserve partisans are conceding Baldwin Wallace not a thing Edwards is a person who insists on blocking and tackling and fine conditioning and he knows that football games are won by line play "We won that game last year by better tackling" declared one side line coach and stop their passes again this year" The Reserves are not afraid of the W's even it the Yellow Jackets did wallop Syracuse The law of aver ages is against Reserve but that doesn't concern the Red Cats either The Reserve squad is not overconfi dent knows it is in for a turbulent afternoon is willing to work hard in preparation therefor and expects the figures on the scoreboard to be in the right places when the final gun pops Consider the matter of forward passing Baldwin Wallace is said to have the best passing attack in these parts and maybe in the United States but then Reserve too does some passing Baldwin Wallace has its Kenny Noble who throws from the port side to all directions of the compass but Reserve has its Ray Zeh who can fling that ball on a bee line like a baseball has its gifted receivers but (Continued on Page 20) RUNS OOTBALL SPECIAL Notre Dame Club of Cleveland Has Tickets for Pittsburgh Game victory over Ohio State last Saturday has resulted in a rush for tickets for the Panthers' contest with Notre Dame a week from Saturday at Pittsburgh The Notre Dame Club of Cleve land which is running a special to the game via the Erie Railroad has a supply of tickets in the Notre Dame section which may be secured with the rail tickets Trie round trip coach fare is $250 and tickets for the fray cost $342 reasons for strong off edge English gives it more zing) It's buzzing oddly enough about Cleveland football game: Reserve League Park next Saturday Yup the whole talking "Who d'ya like?" you're asking me Well' give me a chance We have a few days still to go Reserve Coaches Speak Yesterday I met tin with the Western Reserve coaches Messrs Bill Iwards and George Brown Mr Edwards appeared strangely pessimistic Mr Brown on the' other mitt wasn't wotried he said in not "Let ORDHAM NEW YORK Oct 13 John Lock who scored ordham's only touchdown against Meth odist today appeared the most likely candidate to succeed Joe Dulkie regular fullback who is laid up with a Charley horse Coach Jimmy Crowley said Dulkie would miss the Waynesburg game and perhaps the Mary contest Oct 41 unite Bill Richards are oiner they piny 1 i ke thatagainst Reserve Saturday 1 hey "oing tn got walloped 67 In (I and no bear This stafoinent from Coach Ray Watts was characteristic of the gloomy atmosphere which shrouded the Berea camp after Baldwin Yellow Jackets went through an unimpressive workout yes terday Berea roofers who will migrate Cleveland however are not dmimv Thnv pll vmi that nn the reasons the team did not look so good was that two of its chief Quarterback Ray Haerr and Halfback Kenny Noble are in the college infirmary Haerr is recover ing from a shoulder injury while Noble southpaw passing ace Is nursing an ankle injury sustained in the Syracuse game When asked if his chief problem was in stopping Ray Zeh the Red passing menace Watts an swered "Yes quite a prob lem but that end Doe Kelker is going to be hard to stop too" Zeh who led the college slars in scoring last year pitched the Red four touchdown passes in 27 to 14 victory over Two of them were caught by Kelker and the other two by Vic Ippolito who was summer Also Stresses Convinced that it than an aerial circus to beat Re serve Watts is drilling his team on a running attack Ralph Adams Big our 100 yard sprint champion is filling Haerr' shoes while Larke Suber fleet colored half hack has taken place and is 1 doing most of the kicking Adapt who broke loose lor a uu yara gain against Syracuse and then the final touchdown on a dash around end may play an im portant role Saturday Watts recalls how the Red Cats beat his team at its own game last vear Reserve completed eight of sixteen forward passes for 196 yards while the Jackets connected on seven of twenty for 164 yards Though is hoping for a dry field it will be well prepared for rain Ralph Vince line Coach whose work was evident as the Jackets out charged Syracuse's forward wall last week is drilling the linemen on how to cope with Reserve's big forwards To add to Watts' worries Bob Heinmiller understudy for Art Gold smith fullback suffered a hand in jury in yesterday's drill our stitches were taken between the fourth and little fingers of his right hand Should Adams break loose for the winning touchdown run some of the credit will go to Eddie innigan one of Western Reserve's greatest ath letes who is now assistant coach at Adams has been a protege of innigan since he went to John Adams High School where innigan also prepped As track coach at innigan piloted Adams to the Big our 100 yard championship Berea a town of less than 6000 population has already bought 3000 tickets for the game and will ask for more today Leslie Will Undergo Abdominal Operation ST LOUIS Oct Sam Leslie of the New York Giants Bill Terry's first base understudy has been admitted to St Hospital for an abdominal operation Dr Rob ert Hyland club surgeon for the St Louis Cardinals and Browns said today Leslie was injured early in the sea son and was unable to play regularly thereafter He broke into games fre quently as a pinch hitter however getting two hits in three times at bat in that role during the world nrnvided college graduates with a means of competi tive recreation James Ur: ern Reserve Law School tary of the twilight loop Tlx i ac 1 1 1 1 I head of the Lakewood league Thompson and Gliha Star in Carroll Drill Bobby Thompson and Lou Gliha raised Tom Conley's hopes for a victory over Adrian ridav night with their fine running in last night's practice Thompson got off several fine runs while Gliha ripped the freshman line in the hour and a half scrimmage which Coach Tom Conley allotted to the squad after sending them through an extensive drill in block ing and tackling Jack Hanley senior replaced Gene Wolanski at left end in 'order to rest ailing side The vet eran wingman will be ready to play riday night however MINNEAPOLIS Oct Developments of reserves and varsity work designed to speed up the offense composed Minnesota football practice today as the gtidders began prepar ing for Michigan There were two important changes in the carsity line up as Coach Bernie Bierman shifted Larry Buhler sophom*ore to full back in place of Vic Spadaccini and Charlev Schultz to guard in place of rancis xweexeu NOTRE stnxtTH REND Coach Elmer Layden sent his Notre Dame football squad through an extra long drill today with par ticular attention being paid to pass defense Steve Miller fullback hurt in the Washington game Saturday went to That ancient ami quite un grammatical question d'ya is buzzing the town again (1 like the it that Anders Twilight and Lakewood Baseball Champions Are eted The two Anders Cafeteria teams which captured twilight and Lake wood baseball championships this season were feted last night by Mrs William Anders at Anders ourth Street The 48 players officials and guests attending the banquet bowed in silent tribute to the late William Anders backer of the team who died last month The twilight hardball champions who captured thirteen of fourteen games during the regular season and then defeated the 25th Ward Merch ants in the finals were lauded by William Nelson who twelve years ago organized the circuit which has and high scnooi Wins at Hawthorne Mrs George Chalmers scored a 42 16 88 as women golfers competed in a field day tournament yesterday at Hawthorne Valley Country Club Mrs William Gibbons with 48 led the guests Net prize winners were: Members Mrs McCall 99 1 3 86 Mrs 'W Mack 05 Sfi: diesis Mrs Tomnz 111 10(1 Mrs Ward 121 Putting prizes went to Mrs 8 Thomas Mrs Mick and Mrs llovner Revival of professional boxing Cleveland will make considerable progress tonight when the two home breds Jimmy Vaughn and Ray Shar key war in their return ten rounder at Central Armory The rematch has aroused so much interest that more than 4000 are expected to see the swarthy Shar key attempt to even the score with the national ranking Valighn Wagering is reported at money because Sharkey has put on added weight and strength since he piled up an early lead over Vaughn last Sept 16 only to weaken in the late rounds Ray will scale 135 he says against Jimmy's 136 Sharkev will pit his sharp loft which dropped Vaughn in their fiercely tfoughl previous bout against Jimmy's bard right that floored Ray late in the oattie Eddie Morgan formerly known as Cornelius Kunath will attempt to continue his knockout string when he tangles with Don Astor Union town (Pa) welter in the ten round semi final Morgan has been on the sidelines with injuries sustained in an automobile accident Babe Dunning Cleveland middle weight and Sam Grippe Ashtabula middleweight are down for a six rounder A second six will bring together Mike Ganxiere former Cleveland and Chicago Golden Gloves lightweight star against Emery Morgan also of Cleveland rankie Brown and Eddie Dulizo home town featherweights will open the show at 8:15 don't misinterpret me" said Brown "I Health Promoter LIE SAVER CHEST AND LUNG DEVEL OPER Brings in stomach and holds shoulders back thus forcing the CHEST OUT consequently the lungs are naturally expanded and open up like a sponge COLDS AND SICKNESS are thereby positively reduced and relieved at least 80 'When walking stoop shouldered and flat chested you look'a failure in life In SOCIETY or BUSINESS Your Appearance Will MAKE or BREAK YOU Once BALD Always BALD Except in rare rae ii A reata See S1IJ1 EK for the truth al'out Baldness SHIER BIIIG COLUMBUS 0 Oct 13 (AP Ohio football squad went through a tough session today the Reserves tossing Northwestern plays at the varsity and the freshmen taking a turn at trying to stop the attack of the first stringers Coach rancis A Schmidt said sev eral changes would be made in his line up for opening Big Ten clash against the Wildcats at Evanston Paul Birkholtz of Youngs town and Howard Wedebrook of Portsmouth sophom*ore halfbacks are expected to see plenty of service being elevated from the third team 1 "razzle dazzle" offense clicked in practice again today and indications are that the wide open style of play will be mixed with a power attack Saturday NORTHWESTERN EVANSTON III Oct 13 Planning on using ball that defeated Saturday Coach Northwestern had on charging fast the Ohio State battle MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR Mich Oct Coach Harry Kipke who has been using first year Michigan var sity men extensively may uncover another sophom*ore star against Minnesota's thundering herd Satur day The youngster is Wally Hook ten second halfback who made his mark with East Grand Rapids High School The Michigan enach put his var sity through an offensive scrimmage against Minnesota's six three two defense as exemplified by the fresh men squad today Both Bob Cooper and John Smithers his mate at half back ran wild although Cooper's kicking was not of a caliber to cope with the punting of the Andy Uram Hartnett Insists on Staying With Cubs Wrigley Gives Okay CHICAGO Oct 13 (AP) Charles Leo (Gabby) Hartnett veteran Chi cago Cubs catcher whom baseball rumor said might be traded to the Brooklyn Dodgers will start his six teenth season in the majors next spring with the same old the Cubs A report that he might go to Brooklyn in exchange for Van Lingle Mungo ace pitcher reached ears late today and he hur ried to owner 13 rigley office for the "inside information" He in formed Wrigley he didn't want to manage Brooklyn he didn't want to go to Brooklyn in any capacity and that he didn't want to leave Chicago "Well if the ease there is nothing for me to say except that you will stay here" replied Wrigley adding that while the club still val ues his catching services it would not have stood in his way if he had wanted to seek the Brooklyn man agership rye Is Back May Be Ready for Wilson rye halfback who received a dislocated left shoulder in the Mi ami contest ten days ago last night made his first appearance in uniform since the accident running through signals with the varsity He was kept out of the scrimmage with the irosh who were using Washington and Jefferson plays in hope that he will be ready for action Saturdav Spencer Maurer regular center who suffered an ankle injury about a month ago will be out for another JIMMY WILSON SIGNED "Not His ault Thillies inished Last" Says Owner PHILADELPHIA Oct Jimmy Wilson signed up for his fourth year as manager of the Phila delphia National League baseball team today Gerry Nugent presi dent of the club said the contract was for one year Expressing satisfaction with Wil son's work Nugent aid: "I think he is the smartest pilot in baseball tactically speaking" and added "Jimmy was not at fault" in refer ring to the fact that the niuies enct ed in last place this year Maps Defense for Ray Relies on Sharp Left to Even Score at Ar Prior to that he had been Longwood lor seven i coaching experi ence was at Iron ton (O) High and two of his star gridders were Charley and Ed Charley West coach there Rhodes where he was Hall's rival in the 1 Cleveland Xerence Under Hall John Hay has won championships in all three sports He attends the leading coaching schools each year Bill Sawyer Western Reserve junior and Andy Sabanos a freshman at the same college have been his out standing players he nenevcs He is married and has a son years old entirely 'H01D' Head of finest Havana ariTrop ical tobaccos JU xx 8 4 i l'A yA tow IL 'Wk i Mrwr '3 1'7 Millie 'A 7 77 '1 1 fl 8 xX jaMHBBac 'S it ut mi i cdg 6v 'Avw'JX VAmS reww W'Nk 'A wr Xif 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A VZ IMfl liWP IB Yt te 77 fl XMaAW I 9th LM By a 1 7: I 1 1 i7 i Oyt Im Ml HI be 1 MHMrnill $mokinq 1 pi 'j a dime aN 1 i i witchtb iA Jba I L' BL i SETSTMeNEW STANDARC iimnso Il 'ij 'ft' I urn nv "'s A id 4 1 yi 1 1 1.

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The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Author: Delena Feil

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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.