The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

dr 1 3 A 'PAGE EIGHT. CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1908. EASY MONEY AIDS BOOSTING PRICES i Reaction Closes Week, How- ever, Showing Part Played by Ease of Market. Government Crop Report pells Hopes of Bumper Crops.

NEW TORK. Sept. week's operations in the stock market showed the still stimulating effect of the redundant condition of the money market by a further rise in prices for the first few days. The sharp reaction which accompanied the small flurry in the call money market of the latter part of the week was a striking testimony to the important part played in the speculative position by the ease of the money market. The abundance of funds which could be procured on call at 1 per cent.

or constituted A strong attraction for the taking on of stock holdings and the marking up of prices. The operations to this end been frankly ascribed to a limited circle of capitalists, with the following of strictly professional operwho trade in and out of the market in the wake of such a movement. There has been general agrecment among commission houses that the general public was taking small part in the current activity in the market. The inference from this condition would be that the active dealings on the stock exchange were not effecting any widesprend distribution of stocks. There is equal agreement, on the other hand, that substantial holders of stocks have shown little disposition to market their holdings in spite of the attractive level, to which prices have been lifted summer's rise.

The readjustment of prices wras justified in the minds of its promoters by the low interest for money compared with the return on securities and by the revival in business activity. That the money condition was outrunning the business improvement as 3. dominant influence 011 the stock market has been a growing suspicion which is emphasized by the revision called for of come of the earlier estimates of the latter factor. The hopes at one time entertained of bumper grain crops have disappeared in face of the government's estimate of the Sept. 1 condition, published last week.

The promise of good average crops and at profitable prices, which is now in prospect, does not alter the necessity for speculative readjustment of earlier and more A sanguine estimates. The moderate rate of recuperation in the iron and steel trade and the lack of evidence that railroad earnIngs are being restored to the former level of like admonitory influence upon excess of speculative enthusiasm. The opinion of the small extent to which investment holdings stocks are being marketed finds an exception in the case of foreign holdings, of which free offerings are coming home according to experts in the foreign market. TO This is believed to form an exchange and international stock important element in the persistent strength of the foreign exchange market which brought aL revival of talk of possible gold exports during the week. A special factor in the foreign exchange market was the requirements for redemption of New York City revenue bonds falling due in London on Nov.

1. This requirement in Itself is not sufficient to effect the extraordinary strength of the New York position in the unequaled excess of merchandise exports from this country since the first of January. the unusually small borrowings abroad through the summer on finance bills and the small drawings of exchange heretofore in anticipation of the crop movement. ment loans are prompting the Preparations for coming. governstrengthening of the central banks abroad and the lifting of money rates which this entails tends to force securities for sale from foreign quarters into the American market.

Demands from the interior for cur. rency to move the crops, while belated and still light, are beginning to make some inroad on New York banking reserves. The strenght of the foreign exchange market at this season, with all these things considered. leaves sornething to he explained. Some influence is due to the state of practical Inflation of bank note issues.

Not more than $17.000,000 of the 000 sudden expansion in bank notes which followed the panic last fall has been retired. in snito of the r'0- dundant money conditions which have developed since. The automatic pressure for retiremont is seen in the enormous current redemptions of these notes by presentation at the treasury. The following table highest. lowest.

closing changes of all securities York stock exchange Stocks. Allis-Chalmers do pref. Amal. Copper Am. Agr.

Chemical. do pref. Am. Beet Sugar American Can do pref. Amer.

Car do pref. Amer. Cotton do pref. Amer. Grass Twine.

Am. I. L. American Ice Amer. do pref.

Amer. Malting do pref. Amer. Smelting do pref. Ant.

Sm. Sec. pr. 13. American Snuff do pref.

Am. Steel Fdry new. American Sugar Am. Tel. Amer.

Tel. Amer, Tobacco Amer. Woolen do prof: Anaconda Atchison do pref. Atlantic Coast Line. Baltimore Ohio do pref.

Batopilas Bethlehom Steel do pref. Brook. Rap. Transit Brook. U'nion Brunswick Hutterick Co.

Canada Pacific Cent. of New Jersey. Central Leather do pref. Chesapeake Ohio. Chicago Chi.

Great Western. do prof. A do pref. M. St.

do ctfs. do pref. Chi. Northwestern St. M.

Chi. Un. Tr. pr. stp.

C. St. do pref. Colo. Fuel Colo.

do 1st pref. do 2d pref. --b Col. Hock. C.

I. Consol. Gas Corn Products 1084 195 do pref. 771 Delaware Hudson. 174 172 L.

13: Denv. Rio Grande do pref. Distilling R. 30 4 S. S.

Atlantic. do pref. 24 23 23 1 Erie do 1st pref. do 2d pref. 37 Fed.

Sugar 95 90 97 Gen. Electric 113 113 1 Great Northern pref. 139 do etfs. 66 Hock. Val.

pr. 83 83 83 2 Homestake 8.3 87 Illinois Central 148 14111 145 4 do full paid 1411 111 3 Interb 1176 32 pref. Internat. llarvester 57 07 57 do pref. 10473 Internat.

Paper 10 do pref. 587 68 58 1 Internat. Pump 2514 23 do pref. 8014 78 lowa Central do pref. 35 Kan.

City 21) 27 do pref. 63 1 Long Island 43 43 43 Louis. 101) Mickay Co. 67 4 07 Manhattan 139 139 139 Mer. Mar.

714 do pref. 23. 2114- 1 Mex. Central Min. St.

Louis. 28: do pref. S. P. S.

St. 124 1221 Kan. 33 32 do pref. 067 04 Missouri Pacific. 50 Nat.

Biscuit 89 69) Nat. Enam. 'Stpd. do pref. 71 National Lead.

85 81 1 do pref. 102 Nat. R. R.of Mex.2d pf 1714, 17 1 Newhouse M. 312 N.

Y. Air 82 S2 82 3 New York 104 N. Chic. St. 39 17 do 1st 98 98 98 do 2d pref.

72 N.Y..N.H.& Hartford 145 143 3 N. Ont. Norf. 74 5 Northern 1461 do 7th 133 134 Ontario Milver 41 4 Pacific Const 73 73 Pacific Mail 26 Pennsylvania R. 127 124 People's Gas co*ke 97 964 C.

C. St. 79 1. Pittsburg Coal 1114 118 Pressed Steel 35 33 do pref. Pullman Palace Car.

162 Railroad 911 91 Ry. Steel 3. Reading 183 1st 87 SO: 87 1 do 2d Rep. do Iron pref. 82 23 SI Rock Island 1 do pref.

34 Rutland R. R. Co. pf 23. 25 2.3 3 St.

L. S. F. 1st pf 4634 do 2d 201 2314 St. L.

S. F. E. Il. cifs.

50 50 50 St. 18 18 do pref. 44 Slos8-Sheff Steel Iron 62 63 do pref. 119 Southern Pacific Southern Railway 23 23 3 do pref. DO 51 3 Tennessee Copper.

377 39 Texas Pacific 26 24 24 Third-av. R. 47 421 44 2 St. L. 2634 26 do pref.

56 57 Twin City Rapid Tr. 873 1 Union Bag 71 do prof. 61 61 61 Union Pacific do pref: 90 United Ry. Investm't 24 24 3. do pref.

42 38 42 U. S. Cast Iron Pipe Foundry S. Realty Imp. 51 50 50 1 U.

S. Rubber 34 33 U. do 1st Steel 101 100 100 S. 47 do pref. 1 Utah Copper 4534 Va.

Car. Chem. 29 84 29 3 do pref. 1093 Wabash 131 12 do pref. West 13 12 Western 62 Westinghouse 741 74 1 WV.

I. do 1st 17 1. Wisconsin 29 14 241. do pref. Total sales for the week, 3,073,600.

-Loss. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. CHICAGO, Sept. 12. Reinstatement today by leading bulls of lines sold out yesterday caused strength in the wheat market.

final quotations showing net gains of to 60 Corn and oats closed steady, while provisions were strong. The wheat market displayed considerable bullishness nearly all day despite the record breaking movement of new wheat in the northwest. A slight dip occurred during the first half hour due to selling based on the liberal receipts at Minneapolis and Duluth, but the market soon rallied again and continued firm the remainder of the day. Arrivals today at Minneapolis were 336 cars and Duluth reported receipts of 520 cars, while Winnipeg followed closely with 357 cars, compared with 36 cars a year ago. This enormous movement failed to affect the market to any great extent because of the fact that the demand for cash wheat in the northwest was more than equal to the supply.

and today's entire receipts were eagerly taken by millers within an hour after they were placed on sale. A few of the bull leaders who were free sellers yesterday gave the market vigorous support today and this buying was largely responsible for the firm tone which prevailed the greater part of the day. Iligher cables, continued dry weather in the southwest and firm markets for cash wheat at all grain centers in this country were factors that inspired buying. Some export business was reported today. 23 bout loads in all, with six loads from Chicago.

The market closed strong at almost the highest point. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 172.000 hushels. T'rimary receipts wore bushels 1,056,000 the bushels, compared with 800,000 corresponding day' A year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 1.127 cars, against cars last week and cars 11 year ago. Heavy realizing sales caused weakness in the corn market early in the day.

particularly in the September delivery, which declined 1c during the first hour. The market, however, became and in an attempt to cover earlier sales pit traders soon bid up prices to about the opening level. The situation clear in the Corit belt remained unchanged, weather prevailing in all sections, and there waS no prospect of any Immediate break in the drouth, the official forecast heing for clear weather the next thirty-six hours. More reports were received today telling of damage to pasturage by the dry weather, and many of the advices claimed that green corn WAS being cut and fed to stock. The market closed stendy, with prices higher to lower.

Local receipts were 297 cars, with 60 of contract grade. The early weakness of corn had a depressing effect on onts. but later in the day the market became quite firm owing to buying of the May delivery by a leading An cash interest. Trade in general was quiet. improved demand for cash oats was in evidence and this inspired some buying of options.

The market closed steady, with prices unchanged to lower. Local recoints were 318 cars. Trade in the provisions was on a large scale and the market displayed decided strength. The bullish sentiment was due chiefly to the marked falling off in hog recrints at western packing centers and to the poor quality of hogs being received here, the very majority thin. of arrivals.

11. was claimed, being The high price of corn WAS said Lo he the reason for the poor condition of swine. There was good buying for foreign account and local packers and shorts also the bought top freely. notch, The market closed strong at with prices LID Tic to compared with the previous close. Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat 44 cars; corn 230 cars; oats 233 cars; 30,000 head.

hogs Chicago Cash Quotations. were 28 CHICAGO. icllows: Sent. 12, -Cash quotations do Flour -Steady; winter patents $1.0504.70: 5.40; straights spring patents $7.10 10. do straights bakers' $2.80 Wheat- No.

No. red 2 spring No. 3 04c 00 C. Corn--No. 2 No.

2 yellow Oat9-No. 2 white bic; No. 3 white Rye -No. 2 Barley--Good feeling 60062c; fair to choice malting G30 Flaxseed -No. 1.

northwestern Timothy- Prime $3.00. Short Pork rib sides -Mess per bbl. per 1(4) lhs Short clear sides (boxed) Whisky--Basis of high wipes $1.37. On the produce exchange: Butter- Market steady; creameries (1 23c dairies 170 Eggs--Steady; firsts at mark, cases included, 21c; prime Arsts 22c. Cheese-Steady at New York Dry Goods Market.

NEW Sept. 12. -The dry goods inarkot showed a better general tone during the week and the shipments on Saturday were quite large. A large auction sale of overalls and working shirts is scheduled for Thursday. The jobbers are to lave some important sales of cottons and dress goods during the week.

Linens are being ordered better, but at low prices. Burlaps are firmer. Pine cottons in quarters are being ordered more freely. The Largest National Bank in Ohio CHARTERED IN 1863 The First National Bank of Cleveland Capital 2,500,000.00 Surplus and Profits 1, 100,000.00 Deposits $25,000,000.00 Solicits Accounts of Individuals, Firms and Corporations LA ROSE NIPISSING For information concerning these and other Cobalt Mines and Mining Stocks Read the BOSTON COMMERCIAL of Sept. 12 and all subsequent issues.

The BOSTON COMMERCIAL also contains WALKER'S COPPER LETTER in full and gives more accurate, reliable and profitable information concerning Coppers, the active stocks, the mines and the metal market than is to be found in all other publications combined. THE BOSTON COMMERCIAL also contains extended and, comprehensive articles on Bonds, Street Railways, the Boston and New York Stock Markets, the Business Situation and the Commercial Markets. BOSTON COMMERCIAL C. G. T.

L. DUKELOW, WALKER, Editor Publisher 5 Cents per copy. $2 per year 69 246 Devonshire Washington St. Boston LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY FINANCIAL NEWSPAPER IN THE UNITED STATES. BIG OIL BUSINESS DURING PAST WEEK Central West Wells Averaged 27 3-4 Barrels, Highest in Months.

Many New Gushers Struck in This and Near by States. SPECIAL TO TIE PLAIN DEALER. LIMA, Sept. The past week in the oil fields of the central west has heen both active and remunerative. While the greatest excitement in the older fields is to be found in the Mingo field of southeastern Ohio, all the other old districts enjoyed an exceptionally productive period.

Wells in the central wrest averaged for the week just closed 27 3-4 barrels, the highest average in months. The Illinois production increased, but Increased number of dry holes made the average per well smaller. There were more wells drilled in northwestern Ohio, than for Indiana several and south- weeks past, while the completions in West Virginla were fewer in number, but contained many gushers boosting that state's production to 1,110 barrels for the week. There has been a steady drain on stocks in the eastern fields throughout the past six weeks or more, and this drain has been approximately 2,000 barrels per day. At the same time shipments are much lighter.

There is a steady gain in the receipts from the Illinois field, while the runs from the mid continent, or Oklahoma field, are still below normal and declining. The present production of the old Trenton rock districts of Ohio and Indiana 1s the lowest for any month of the present year. The total stocks now held by the Standard reach approximately a storage of 80,000,000 barrels, the great bulk of which is in the low grade fields of Illinois and the heavier grades of Oklahoma oils, much of which at the present time cannot be utilized. Interest in the eastern oil fields centered during the week in the Mingo district of Jefferson county, Ohio. All the wells drilled have proved producers and some of gusher caliber.

Others are light pumpers. Next to the Bingo field, the deep sand development in Fairfield and P'erry counties is the most interesting in the high grade districts. Wells are coming in good for forty barrels a day or better and the production is steady. In the shallow sand districts operations are very active also, but the developments of the week failed to show any large producers or any prospective new territory: COMMERCIAL. Farmyard and Dairy.

Butter--Creamery extra Arsts 23 seconds prints 2Rc; process fancy dairy packing stock 17c. Cheese -York State cream, fancy, 130 choice do Ohio creams 13c: Swiss No. 1 No. bricks limburger 13014c. Eggs- -Current receipts 19c; prime firsts 21c.

Poultry- Chickens heavy, 12c; light, spring chickens, light, 14c; heavy, 15c: spring ducks, black, 10c; do white, 110. Pigeons -Old squabs $2.00. Green Fruits. Apples- Choice fancy 2.25 per bbl. white AA A $1.00: 60c.

Peaches A A A baskets 250300; York State 7 and 8-1b basP'lums a California per pk; kets Prunes--German 350040c per 0-lh basket. Grapes--Wardens, pony baskets, 7008c; Delowares, 11(012c: Niagaras 90410c. P'ears Bartletts $3.00 3.27 per bbl; Flemish Beauty $2.00022.50 per bbl; bu baskets 276 10c. per bu. Oranges- Late Valencias $4.0004.50.

Lemons- Messinas do Callfornia Bananas -Reds yellow 1.23. Veretables. Potatoes -White fancy 80c: choice 70c: red fancy TOe; choice TOC per bu; Virginia swects $1.8002.10 per bbl; Jerseys $3.0003.27. Onions--Yellow Danvers per 100 lbs; white $1.256 1.50 per 100 lbs; pickles, yellow. 70c: white Cabbage--Home grown $1.0005.00 per 100.

per dozen; pickles 20 per 100. Watermelons Large do sinall $10.00015.00 100. melons--Standards ponys Mango peppers-60060c bu. Celery 3ac per bunch. Dried beans- Marrow beans $2.600 0.75; navy $2.7002.75 per bu: red kidney $2.0002:25 per bu: l.ima 615 (Tc per lb; Scotch yellow $2.50.

Popcorn--Rice ears per lb; shelled (tic. Sugars and Coffees. tablets kegs ST.07; crystal dominoes, b-lh boxes, $8.15: cut loaf $6.40: powdered So. do 7-Ib cloth bugs in bhls $7.00: coarse granulated extra fine granulated granulated 80.70; fine granulated cubes $5.00: XXXX pOWdered mold A diamond A no; No. 1 $7.30: No.

2 No. 3 $5.25: No. 4 $5.20: No. No. 6 No.

85.07: No. 8 No. 9. No. 10 No.

11 No. 12 No. 13 No. 14 No. 15 $1.70.

Coffees -Standard brands roast per 100 lbs $14.404017.78. White per lb; amber 11c per lb. Nuts. Peanuts--Fancy Virginia per lb: 05c; extra large jumbo 8c: No. Virginia shelled 6c; Spanish shelled Dressed Meats.

Smoked meats -Hams bora- Local Rates for Want Ads. HELP OR SITUATION WANTED (Strictly salaried positions)-16 words or less 10c for single insertion; 3 consecutive days, 25c. (Business announcements under the above classification 10c per line for single insertion.) RENT ROOMS-5c per line for single insertien; 3 or more rooms en suite 10c per line. BOARDING-10c per lino. PERSONAL.

MEDIGAL AND SPIRITUALISM-150 per line per insertion. DEATII ALL 10c OTHER CLASSIFICATIONS: per line No ad accepted for less than tho charge for two lines. Advertisem*nts will be accepted each day except Saturday until 10:30 p. 111. for classification the following day.

On Saturday no advertisem*nts accepted after 9:00 p. In. can be classilied in Sunday's paper. BOLTON-Stafford, age 75 years, at the German Altenheim on Saturday morning at 5 o'clock. Funeral Monday, 1:30 p.

m. standard. Services at East Cleveland cemetery 3 p. m. standard.

Friends invited. BROWN--William, at 1950 E. beloved father of Mrs. J. WV.

cumme*r, Sunday morning, Sept. 13th, 1909, a age 90 years. Funeral private. Burial at Waterdown, Canada. DAVID-Moses, 2505 E.

27th, 50 years old. Services 2 p. Monday, at late residence and 3 p. m. at Mayfield chapel.

Pleaso omit flowers. DUFFNER-Margaret, aged 18, at residence of George E. Wanders, 1533 W. Sept. 13.

Funeral notice later. Buffalo papers please copy. HEWARD-Mrs. Mary, widow of Thomas Heward, in her SOth year. Funeral Monday, Sept.

14, at 2 p. at residence of her son, Thomas A. Heward, 2040 E. 93d-st. Burial private.

LOGAN-L. Bernard, aged 58 years, at residence of his son, Claude M. Logan, 10716 N. E. Funeral Tuesday morning, Sept.

15. from St. Thomas Aquinas' church, corner Superiorav. and at 0 a. m.

standard. Burial at Calvary cemetery. Allance, Akron and Youngstown papers please copy. ROBERSON- -James, beloved husband of Angeline Ganter Roberson, died at Charity hospital. Funeral Sept.

12 at 2 p. m. from the residence of his brother, Alexander Roberson, 0415 Etna-rd. ROBINSON- -Newman, died Sept. 13, at his residence, Bedford, Ohio, age 91 years 6 months.

Funeral Tuesday, 15, at 1 p. late residence, 2 p. m. Baptist church. RUGG-Mrs.

Ellen Payne, wife of William A. Rugg, Saturday, Sept. 12th, at 4:30 o'clock. at 4112 E. age 63 years.

Funeral Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 15th, at 2 o'clock at late residence. SCHAEFER--Elizabeth, widow of the late George Schaefer, age 81 years 2 months and 8 days. Burial services Tuesday, 2 p. m.

standard time, at her late home. 2110 Columbus-rd. SHORT -Maynard only son of May and Frank E. Short, died Saturday, 6:13 p. age 2 yr.


Notice is hereby given that the following numbered bonds, amounting to $85,000, having been drawn for redemption, in accordance with the provisions of the mortgage, dated March 1, 1905, securing same, will be paid at par and interest at the office of the Trustee, Broad and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, as of October 1, 1908, on which date interest thereon will cease: NUMBER OF BONDS DRAWN. 66 220 364 736 100 231 400 778 124 289 402 779 137 252 435 046 161 256 462 951 163 077 001 965 177 309 676 976 200 830 723 993 207 356 733 Thirty-Ave bonds at $1000 each. GIRARD TRUST COMPANY. Trustee. C.

J. RHOADS, Treasurer. Philadelphia, 'September 1st, 1908. FREDERICK R. TIBBITTS Fourth Floor, 35 Congress Boston, Mass.

INVESTMENT SECURITIES Commission orders for Stocks and Bonds In all markets. La Rose, Nipissing and other Curb Stocks Bought and Sold. less boiled skinned picnic shoulders breakfast bacon clear according to grade. Pork -Short mess light extra short clear sides do heavy clear pig choice family pork $4.88 in 50-1b tubs. Dry salted meats -Regular short clear sides $9.021 short fat backs clear bellies $11.00011.50.

Lard -Kettle dried in tierces choice kettle rendered 11 in tubs over. Fresh pork- -Loins 14c; shoulders 9c; sausage Dc: bologna 8010c. Beef- -Texas native steers lambs Veal -City dressed Flour and Feed. Wheat- Car lots, on track: No. 2 No.

3 Corn- -Car lots, on track: No. 2 vellow ear as to quality and location. Outa--Car lots: No. 2 white as to location. Mill feed- -Car lots: White middlings, in bulk $27.00: four middlings brown winter bran bulk gluten middlings in bulk 00 spring bran hominy $28.50.

Flour--Jobbing in cotton sacks: Winter patents winter straights 4.85: Minnesota patents rye flour $4.4004.90. Hay--Car lots: No. 1 timothy No. 2 timothy clover and timothy mixed bulk No. 1 timothy bulk No.

2 timothy prairie rye straw wheat oat Seeds. Clover-T'rime to choice manimoth white crimson timothy alfalfa Kentucky blue grass $1.004 1.70: orchard choice red top chaff 30080c: do recleaned 120013c Wool, Hides and Pelts. Wool--Buying prices: One-nalf, threeelgliths and quarter blood, unwashed, per lb; fine delaine 19020c: and XX 150 17c: low and braid 14016c: wool tied with sisal or binder twine or undue amount of other twine will be classed as unmerchantable. Hides Dealers' buying prices: Prime cured, all weights, 1c less: green horsehiaes, green, Veal, prime cured (8 to 15 Ibs) green Ohlo deacons 600 75c. Pelts Shearlings spring lamb skins Tallow--Country packages Oils, P'aints and Turpentine.

Linseed -Raw, bbl lots, 45c; in 5-bbl lots 440: boiled 1c higher; lard oll. ex. W. S. 48c; ex.

No. 1 50c: No. 1 47c; No. 2 45c; tallow oil 00c; prime neatsfoot oil 85c; extra 63c. Cottonseed yellow 40c; yellow cooking 50c.

White lead -In oil. less than 500 lbs, in oil. over 500 Iba, 7c. Turpentine--Spirits 41c per gal. Petroleum Prodnets.

Petroleum and products--o. L. T. ofl 10c per gal; water white palacelite oil M. I'.

naptha stove gasoline 14c; 65 gasoline 15c: 74-76 gasolin. 18c; 86 gasoline 24c; 87 gasoline 25c; SS gasoline 26c all in bbls Cleveland. Salt. Salt--Car lots: Fine FF dalry bulk 12 10-1h bags 100 3-1h bags $1,50: ground solar diamond conmion, fine, per bbl, $1.00. Metals.

Copper -Lake casting Straits tin 32c; lead spelter antimony 11c. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Union Stockyards, CLEVELAND, Sept. 12. IIOGS.

Mediums 7.25 to $7.37 Mixed 7.27 Jeavy yorkers 7.20 to 7.20 Light yorkers 7.15 to 7. Digs 6.00 to 7.00 Roughs 5.75 to 0.85 Stags 4.75 to 5.00 CALVES. Choice to 8.00 to 8.50 Fair to good 0.00 to 7.50 Common to fed 4.25 to 0.77 CLIPPED SHEEP. Good to choice 3.75 to 4.00 Good to 3.25 to Mixed 3.27 to 3.77 Bucks 2.50 8.00 Culls 4.00 to 3.00 CLIPPED LAMRS. Good to choice spring lambs.

5.83 to 6.10 Good to choice ewes 5.00 to Fair to good 4.00 to 4.13 CATTLE. Prime drat fed cattle 5.73 to 6.00 Choice steers, 1,150 Ibs. upward, a8 to weight and quality 6.50 to 5.75 Good to choice 1,000 19 1,100 DIED. 1 FLORISTS. 25th-st.

We grow our own flowers. C. 1599; FLOWERS for all occasions. THE OHIO FLORAL Majestic theater W. W.

374. FLOWERS for funerals at moderate prices. BRAMLEY SON. Tel. service.

BURIAL VAULTS. The Egyptian Vault water tight burial vault. Office 1906 Euclid. North IS1: C. 343.

lb steers 4.75 to 5.25 Fair to good 1.000 to steers 4.00 to 4.50 Good to choice 910 to Ptir 000 to 1.000-lb 3.75 to 4.25 steers 4.50 to 5.00 Common and light 3.23 to 3.50 Choice heifers, 1,000 to 1,500 lbs. 4.75 to 5.00 Choice light 4.00 to 4.20 Choice fat butcher 3.50 to 3.70 Common sausage 3.00 to 3.27 Choice fat cows. 4.00 to 4.27 Fair to good fat 3.00 to 3.73 Common grades 2.25 to 2.30 Old rimmers 1.50 to 1.73 Choice to extra milch cows and springers 55.00 to 60.00 Fair to good milch cows and springers 85.00 to 50.00 Common and thin 25.00 30.00 Toledo Grain Market. SPECIAL TO THE PLAIN DEALER. TOLEDO, Sept.

continued heavy milling demand and good export sales of Nour were bullish features in Saturday's wheat market. Wheat- -Cash and Sept. Dec. May Corn--Cash and Sept. 83c; Dec.

May Oats- Cash Sept. Dec. May Rye--No. 1 No. 2 No.

3 Clover seed--Cash and Oct. Dec. $5.50: March Alsike- Prime Sept. Oct. $8.57.

Timothy--Prime $1.03. GENERAL PRODCCE MARKETS. NEW YORK. Sept. 12.

Steady; rects pkgs; creamery specials 24c: extras thirds to firsts 221g dairy common to finest process common to special western factory first 19c: western imitation creamery first 0200. Cheese -Firm. unchanged; rects 3.077 boxes; weekly exports 1.308 boxes; state full cream specials do sinall, colored or white, fancy, do large, colored or white, fancy, a do good to prime do common to fair do skims Eggs--Firm; rects 7,075 cases; state, Pennsylvania and near by brown and mixed fancy fair to choice 24 western first 22(28c: seconds Poultry--Live quiet; spring chickens fowls turkeys the dressed Arm; western spring chickens 120 18c; fowls 00 14c: spring turkeys 20025c. Flour--Recta 14,391 bbls; exports 10,000 bhls; quiet, about steady: Minnesota patents winter straights Minnesota bakers' winter extras $3.40 (13.80; winter patents winter low grades $3.3003.70. Leather--Quiet; acid Beef -Firm; family.

Iness Wool--Steady: domestic fleece beef hams packet city extra India mess $21.000 23.00. pickled hams in 0012c. Cut meats -Quiet; pickled bellies Lard -Strong: western refined firmer; continent S. A. compound C.

Pork--Firm; family $18.50 short clear $18.000019.50: mess Tallow--Steady; city ($2.00 per pkg) country (pkgs free) 01 Cottonseed oil -Firmer; prime crude 80c; do yellow Petroleum refined New' York Philadelphia and Baltimore do bulk $4.90. Rosin -Steady; strained common to good $2.7502.80. Turpentine--Firm at Rice-Easy; domestic fair to extra Japan nominal. Molasses--Quiet; New Orleans open kettle. Sugar--Raw quiet; fair refining 3.40; cengood to choice, trifugal 96 test 3.00; molasses augar 3.15• reined steady; No.

6 4.70: No. 4.65 8 4.00; No. 9 1.55; No. 10 No. 11 4.40; No 12 4.35; No.

13 4.30; No. 14 4.27; confectioners' A 4.00; mold A 7.47; cut loaf 6.90; crushed powdered 5.20; granulated cubes 5.35. Coffer Spot quiet: Rio No. 7 Santos' No. 4 814c: mild quiet; Cordova The inarket for coffee futures opened quiet at unchanged prices, but in spite of rather easier European cables and big primary re.

ceipts, ruled fairly steady, closing net unchanged to five points higher on what seemed to be a demand from late month shorts. Sales were reported of 2.700 hags, including Dec. at $5.00 and July at $0.00. Private ESTABLISHED IN U. S.


Edward E. Gore. C. P. A.

William H. Roberts, C. P. A. Offices also at New York, New Orleana San Francisco and London, England The Oldest Accounting Organization in America HELP WANTED.


experience; permanent position open for family of three. -Competent Call after 6 for o'clock general; GRADUATED mechanical engineer desires ARCHITECTURAL, draftsman; must havo HOUSEWORK girl right man; state expertence and salary ex- 1019 Crawford-rd. p. weight work at home; specialist in eniculation of pected. Address box 52-X, Plain Dealer.

particularly and strength of materials; gathers girl for general, at and for business with iron foundries BARBER-First-class; at 1611 St. Clair-av. once, for plain cooking; no washing. 8511 59, constructing engineers. Letters post box Wade Park-av.

Cleveland, O. BARKEEPER: one of experienco; reference required. Box 71-W, Plain Dealer. HOUSEWORK--Girl for general; one who A with THOROUGH real estate man, familiar BOOKKEEPER--Young man familiar with can cook; $5 per week. 1401 every department of the business.

automobiles; salary $80 or SO per month. Lakewood. desires grossivo real employment with Arst-class and proBox 6-X, Plain Dealer. HOUSEWORK--Good girl for general; small Dealer. estate firm.

Box bl-V, Plain BUTLER AND COOK--Man and wife; also 10th-st. family; no washing; good wages. 2120 10. YOUNG man, 30, well cducated, will white nurse maid; all must have best cept any vacancy in a dry ACCleveland references from last employer. Tel.

HOUSEWORK -GIrl for general; plain lishment men'a furnishing goods goods; estabMRS. S. S. MACNILLAN, Eddy 605. cooking.

712 near St. Clair. years' experience. Box 138-T, I'lain. 14 Dealer.

day CARPENTERS- morning, 2324 Good E. Anishers, 105th-st. Apply Mon- eral. HOUSEWORK 2411 C. 40th, GIrl for near cooking Scovill.

East And 1776. gen- EXPERT charge of office accountant, capable of taking confidential clerk: or as privato secretary and CLOAK cutters Experienced. family HOUSEWORK of good -First-class wages. girl 1243 for E. 111th-st.

general; responsibility. Box 115-T, must Plain be Dealer. position Of Apply PRINTZ HOUSEWORK- -Competent girl for SOBER, perienced steady, boiler strong man, married; 1213 TV. 6th-st. references required.

63 E. C. wants steady work; a freman ge 26. or Ad. A G.

watchman. G. HOUSEWORK- -Girl for general; 2 in fami- 1379 N. F. class, for folding PRESSMAN box and department.

feeder, Arst- THE ly. Call Monday morning. 13050 Euclid. YOUNG CUTTING HOUSEWORK no with man, age 22, would like position OHIO BOXBOARD E. 80th-st.

-Good girl for general; wholesale house; willing to begin at washing. 17853 Lake av. Clifton Park. bottom; object to become sulosman. Box DRUG clerk-About 18 yrs.

of age, with HOUSEWORK -Girl for general; good ref- 02-T, Plain Dealer. lege two of or three years' School experience, of with privi- erences; good wages. 7038 Lexington-av. GERMAN attending the Pharmacy. fect in all man with best of reference, perCall East 101.

HOUSEWORK -Girl for general: one with wishes private house and fresco painting. some experience. 33 E. C. Longfellow-av.

work. Address ERNEST, 5709 FIXTURE assembler. Apply EUCLID-AV: ELECTRIC 0215 Euclid-av. HOUSEWORK -Girl required. for goneral; 1801 E.

no wash- MARRIED man ing; references $9th. or work in private as janitor or porter in store MACHINE man to run inside moulder. 2835 family; best city referE. 51st-st. HOUSEWORK- Competent girl for general; ences.

Doan 2033 X. 10603 Frank-nv. PRINTING SOLICITOR Experienced pre- COLORED man wants position porter. references required. 1948 E.

84th-st. ferred; good pay to right man. LAKE- HOUSEWORK -Competent girl for general; janitor, freman, stendy, of any kind, inVIEW PRINTING CO. 310 Central viaduct. good wages.

13800 Euclid-av. side. Box 140-V, Plain Dealer. SODA dispenser; young man: references re- HOUSEWORK-Competent girl for general. MAN Arst-class; and wife want position as Janitor; quired, 202 Superior, N.

E. 1859 E. 87th-st. understand steam heat; referHOUSEWORK- -Girl ences. Box 49-V.

Plain Dealer. STENOGRAPHER Premier man; must moderate oper- 2057 Cornell-rd. for general; no washing. COLORED man wants coaching or taking typewriter; salary; good chance for advancement. 505 HOUSEWORK- Girl for general; good wages.

care of horses or anything steady. Box Williamson bldg. 8202 Cedar. 130-V, Plain Dealer. pect-av.

entrance Hippodrome HOUSEWORK- -Girl for general. 0716 De- 81-T. Plain Dealer. SUPERS-100 100 men. Apply I'ros- HOUSEWORK -Girl for general.

2205 E. for YOUNG almost man, 10, nothing; wishes best work references. at anything Box theater Monday, 9 a. TOUNG man, experienced. desires position m.

in architect's drawing office. Box 133-T. NURSE -Experienced maid; good home and Plain Dealer. oil line preferred; permanent position to good wages. 8202 Cedar.

TRAVELING salesman with experience in COON colored man would like job in apartright man; state experience and reference. NURSE girl -Competent; references required. ment as janitor; can give references. Box S0-X, Plain Dealer. 1048 E.

S4th-st. Blaine-av. ASSOCIATE WANTED IN OPERATORS--None but those cellar BEFORE storing whitewashel those of preserves, kalsomined. have that N. 1 EVERY LOCALITY experienced on ladies' waists 1074 X.

Any professional 01 businessman, who is YOUNG attorney wants situation: law firm now earning a thousand dollars or more year- need apply. TIE L. N. GROSS 01 trust Co. preferred.

Box 82-T. Plain ly. can double his income without in any Dealer. way Interfering with his present employ- 1262 Ontario. STUDENT.

19, desires position mne. ment, by Those acting devoting in an associate time capacity with PRESSER- on ladies' fine gur- and Saturdays. Box 114-X. I'lain Dealer. afternoons entire faithfully can earn four or five times present income.

ments. LINCOLN DRY CLEANSING IF YOU need boys for any kind of work. GEO. F. HICKOK, 6604 Cedar' telephone the JUVENILE COURT.

Main SECOND GIRL--Must be competent; family 1322. Cuy. Central 0020. 716 Citizens Cleveland, 0. of two: references required.

1936 E. 79th. HELP supplied free. MERCANTILE ENSECOND girl, competent. 7218 Euclid-av.

011. Main P'LOYMENT 2010. BUREAU, 23 St. Clair. Cent.

WANTED- -Able bodied men, between ages 19 to 35, for U. S. Marine corps; must WANTED--Good general, girl; experienced be native born or have first papers; excellent cook; new house: Euclid-av. And FEMALE. opportunity to see the world; good pay; cloth- Wade park; everything convenient; good ing.

free. rations, quarters, 715 medical attendance want wages; help family at that returns time. 17th Apply, from with country; refer- ACCOMPANIST--Firat-class, desires position. Apply at N. Box 123-V, I'lain Dealer.

Cleveland, O. ences box 81-T. Plain Dealer. East End, for clerk in bookkeeping: wishes lady; position: Anished salary cours. BOOKKEEPER--Young WANTED for U.

S. Army--Able bodied, BRIGHT girl, living in 11 unmarried men between ages of 18 and 35; in grocery full store; prefer one and with exper- object. Address Box I'lain Dealer. citizens of United States. of good character ience; state particulars wages and temperate habits, who can speak, read wanted.

Box 156-V. Plain Dealer. BOOKKEEPER- Expert, with long experiand write English. For information apply to SEVERAL Intelligent women for house to ence, desirea position; knowledge of stenogrecruiting office, 57 Public square, Cleve- house demonstrating: salary and cat fare. raphy.

Box 00-X Plain Dealer. land, O. Apply to MRS. MURPILY, Gillsey houge, 9 BOOKKEEPER desires a permanent position, MAN a and wife, well trained, experienced, to 11, 12 to 2, Sun. Monday.

2 years' experience. Box 94-8, P'lain capable of taking entire charge of house WANTED--Five girls to do dusting in fur- Dealer. and yard, laundry excepted; family of three niture store; come Monday morning pre- BUSINESS MANAGER -Experienced. adults; wife excellent cook; good references pared to work. TIE ROYAL FURNITURE spondent and accountant, will be open for from best families required in answer.

2220 Superior viaduct. position Ort. 1: first-class city references: MRS. K. D.

BISHOP, Euclid don't answer unless willing to pay for this Heights. LADIES At home part time stamping trans- class of help. Box 07-W. P'lain Dealer. fers, 60c to $4 clean, reliable work.

MAN for butier, wife as cook, at 746 Euclid, room 728. Address CHAMBERMAID 2191 F. 37th-st. waitress- Competent. YOUNG girl, cAre of children, assist with once; must have references.

housework. Bell phone Warrensville 21 L. COOK or general by two competent German girls; $7 per week each. Box 19-X. l'lain 509 Schofield bldg.

Main 3648. 23 sleeves. GIRLS to 1323 work Euclid-av. on waists, skirts and Dealer. WE want young men and women to learn YOUNG lady for floral store; experienced.

COOK or janitor work by colored woman. telegraphy; practical institution; commence 2007 E. S. F. 1327 Euclid.

now; 21X) operators required by railroads DAY work by A young widow: excollent conk next spring. SCIENTIFIC TELEGRAPH EXPERIENCED girl on waist lining. 1323 and froner. bI' AN housekeeper. Address COLLEGE, 1004 Prospect.

Euclid-av. box 12-X. Plain Dealer. 50 LABORERS, Big 4 railroad work, Indi- ANY Salvation girl needing Army home, friendly 5005 advice write to GOVERNESS ot companion by young Judy ana; free fare Monday evening; farm who can speak English. 4torman hands, butler and wife for Mississippi; free Cleveland, or call in person.

French: can furnish best references. Box fare; freight car repairers; other jobs open. 115-X. Plain Dealer. 23 St.

Clair, N. W. SALESMEN. MIRAD Experienced: out of city A FIRST-CLASS tinner and furnace man, preferred. 130x I'lin Dealer.

N. between and 8 Monday eve. EXPERIENCED. liquor must ho salesman well acquainted by HOUSE cleaning for every day in the work with A No. 1 reference.

Call 942 Superior- wanted with the local trade; splendid opportunity by young lady. Box 100-X. Plain Dealer. WANTED- An energetic, trustworthy young man; must come well recommended; $12 per for reputable man. THOMAS WARD, 50 HOUSEKEEPER- DO you want a neat, week guaranteed.

1323 N. E. 4th-av. economical. reliable housekeeper that can LOCAL house wants city salesman; perma- cook like mother used to? Box 131-X, Plain YOUNG man for florists' store: must he nent position; grocery 1rade: salary and Dealer.

experienced and of good address; capable of taking charge. 1327 Euclid-av. commission. Rox 120-Y, Plain Dealer. HOUSEKEEPER By respectable lady in widower's family; place like home: no MAN with experience to work a about oil AGENTS.

other reply. 3159 104th-st. ence. warehouse; Box 70-X, state I'lain Dealer. experience and refer- HOUSEWORKGood Finn girl, experienced OPPORTUNITY for teachers, students.

book- in general. Suite 12, The Clayton, cor. E. ADDRESS of anyone who can teach a good men, to sell Webster's new dictionary: 87th and care of Mrs. Tikka.

waltz clog dance. Box 10-X, P'lain Dealer. salaried positions open for competent men START a mail order business, but not with a THE SAALFIELD PUBLISHING Ak- general. Inq. MRS.

D'IKKA, The Clayton, and women. Address, with full particulars, HOUSEWORK- Good Finn girl, experienced, cheap' novelty; I made $30.000 in five years; ron. Ohio. suite 12, corner 87th and Joffman-av. began small; I will show you how to start right; send for particulars.

MANAGER, SITUATIONS WANTED. HOUSEWORK with widower or bachelorbox 570, Lockport, N. Y. Neat elderly Indy. F.

11.. Rox 48, Rocky River. Ohio. P'hone Cuy. Lake 38 K.

WANTED -Men to learn barber trade; now MALE. Is tho best time; great demand for grad- HOUSEWORK -Good girl for general, where uates; special rates now for 30 days; write ACCOUNTANT and experienced offco man children are preferred: nO W. washing. 1851 or call for free catalogue. 1557 WV.

wants position as secretary, bookkeeper or W. 57th-st. Central 3780 Cleveland, Ohio. cashier with good concern; can furnish best HOUSEWORK- -Trustworthy middle a gel ALL. our 1'OOL display and of BILLIARD premiums: players coupons should with if of Dealer.

everything references and satisfactory. bond and Box possibly 03-W, Invest Plain 84-N. woman wants Dealer. light, moderate wuges. Bo.

every 5c spent here; pool 21c cue. CLEVE- HOUSEWORK Private family, by English LAND POOL PARLOR, Erie and Chestnut. ACCOUNTANT -Expert; will Audit, sponking German girl. 2130 St. Clair.

LEARN drive tematize, open cr close books, or keep to an automobile; full course; books by contract. Address Accountant; 1755 HOUSEWORK. Gorman girl wants general. $10.00. 400 St.

W. 44th-st. Main 2312. Cent. 1990 K.

1127 Addison-rd. ACCOUNTANT and general office man, seeks LAUNDRESS will take hound FEMALE. position as chief bookkeeper or office man- laddies' or Atoll washlug: best references. ager, capable and trustworthy. Box 91-X, Phono Donn 1616 X.

BUTLER AND COOK--Man and wife; also Plain Dealer. LAUNDRESS- Competent, wants washing to white nurse maid: all inust have best ACCOUNTANT with 12 years' experience de- take home; best references. N. 1007 J. Cleveland references from last employer.


Eddy 695. sires position as bookkeeper or correspond- LAUNDRESS -Competent, for day work. ent: good references, Box 140-M, I'lain 2193 F. 31st-st. CHOCOLATE dippers -THIE U.

S. CANDY Dealer. 1104 Woodland. NURSE -Respectable middle aged woman ACCOUNTANT 16 years' wishes position to care for invalid lady Or COOK -Private family, Gates Mill; wages experience, as Auditor, bookkeeper or office baby; good plain sower; references. 1134 well recommended and competent.

Call manager; married. Box 2-T, Plain Dealer. E. 41st-st. Tuesday morning 1900 E.

820. 8:30 to 9:30. AUDITOR or bookkeeper. by middle aged NURSE and second arl-Would like place COOK -Competent; willing to assist with inan; good habits; best references. Crest together if possible, Box 80-T.

P'inin Dealer. ironing; references required. 4220 P'ros- 744 R. pect-av. OFFICE WORK- Young lady, 3 years' high BARTENDER--Young man.

spenks 4 differ- school commercial education. Box 89-T, COOK and down stairs work. 202S E. 88th-st. ent languages.

1287 E. 55th-st. Plain Dealer. COOK. Doan 850 J.

11434. Nuclid-av. BOOKKEEPER-General office man; experi- REMODELING and all kinds of family sewCOOKING and laundry only; reined Eng- enced; bank and commercial; references: inK: satisfaction gunrantcod. liox 113-T. lish speaking German or Swedish girl; notary public; position Immediately.

Cent. Plain Dealer. small family; references required. Phone 7390 West 430 J. Box 44-S, Plain Dealer.

SECOND work or general housework by colCrest 166 R. ored girl; city references. Cull Hast BOOKKEEPER, Arat-class; also experienced CUTTER for skirts; one who is thoroughly correspondent; desires permanent position 1161 L. competent in 1st-class dressmaking estab- with rollable concern; references. Box 144-T, STENOGRAPHER First-class; good lishment.

Box 17-T. Plain Dealer. Plain Dealer. tire ability: adapted Tor general oflice DINING girl-First-class; no other BOOKKEEPER--Capable of taking charge of work: Al references. Box 48-WV.

l'laln need apply. CALUMET RESTAURANT, office; good references. Box 3-V, I'lain Dealer. 1738 F. 17th.

Dealer. STENOGRAPHER--Lady, beginner, desires N. HAND GROSS sewers on 1262 Ontario. CHAUFFEUR, ye young; learn would automoblle; like business position cation. Box 110-T.

l'lain Dealer. ladies' shirt waists. L. position with reliable Arm; high school ouwhere he may HOUSEKEEPER for widower on farm; no recommendations. Address CHAUFFEUR, STENOGRAPHER--Young lady wants posifamily and good home for thoroughly com- 2191 E.

66th-st. tion, experienced, good Plain references, Dealer. reasonapotent woman, where wages are 110 object. CHAUFFEUR -Experienced: do own repair- ble salary. Box 3-T.

Apply at once, 1501 W. 25th. ing; also work around place; best refer- UPSTAIRS girl (colored, wants situation or HOUSEWORK- Girl for general; be ences. Box 189-W. Plain Dealer.

general housework. 2343 D. 0th. North must good plain cook; 110 washing; good home. CHIEF -Wife.

second, hotel, restaurant: 1295 X. Call evenings, 0102 Wade Park, cor. sober; reference: saving: steady job. DE WASIONG and Ironing by experienced suite 4 Pansie. JOIN.

317 St. Clair, N. E. woman, any day. MRS.

A. RANDOLP'H. HOUSEWORK- German woman or girl 1or CHEF or cook, all around; give good refer- Cent. 7910 W. general; good cook: no washing; A 2291 Scovill-av.

WASTING and housecleaning -Lady. 9034 week; good home. 02234 E. 46th-st. COLLECTOR--Experienced, for real state Shale-av.

HOUSEWORK -Girl 12 to 15 yrs. old, Ger- or take charge of estate, do rent- AN unmarried woman, cheerful, inan-American born. who prefers home ing, see to repairs, good reference A9 thetic, companionable, desires position in more than wages. E. 61st.

to ability and honesty. Box 01-X, I'lain Clevoland where a congenial friend i3 HOUSEWORK- -Competent girl for general; Dealer. wanted. Box S8-W. Plain Dealer.

one who can cook; no washing; references COOK--First-class, or butler: Japanese; for WANTED -P'osition by good, nice girl to required. 2231 E. 8hth-st. bachelor apartments; honest, reliable man. koop house, for nice inintly, or woull HOUSE who understands' cook- Address box 102-L, Plain Dealer.

like Plain upstaira Dealer. work; is competent. Box ing; small family; no washing; good wages. German, French and Amori- 90-W. 2033 E.

830. suite 3. and candy maker; experienced. Box YOUNG colored Wolnan would lilie ofilco 18-V. call, Plain Dealer.

cleaning or any kind of work eveninga. from Santos state that business has DRUGGIST desires position A8 inanager or Box 5-X, Plain Dealer. cables en practically suspending pending a set- head clerk: experienced, competent and re- HIGH school girl, experienced clork, desires tlement of the strike. liable. Address Druggist, room 47, Hotel Anturday or Sunday work; references.

Box MINNEAPOLIS. Sent 12-Wheat-Sent Antler, Dayton, O. 37-W. Plain Dealer. bid: $1.044 asked: cash No.

1 hard 5 years' experience. Box 123-T, work. MRS. E. SEBESTA, 270 (oll) F.

December NO May $1.044 DRUG clerk- -Young man, 21 years, A-1 rof- LADY to do all sorta of embroidery: best No. 1 northern No. 2 Plain erences; Dealer. 10th, S. E.

northern No. EVENING work- -Young man, twenty years, WORK for Tueaday, Thura3 northern in office' days. Box 00-S, Plain day, by fret -class colored laundress. 2325 employed Flour- First patents second Dealer. F.

20th. patents first clears FARM work--Young man wants. 5819 St. COLORED woman wants men's or Indies' second clears Clair-av. washing to do at home.

2228 E. S. C. l'etroleum Markets. GARDENER -Young married mAn wants LADY stenographers, bookkeepers.

sup- 4 position; best of references. Box 176, M. 2142; C. 5260 WV. LIMA.

Sept. oil market remains Rocky River P. O. plied free. Call firm and the quotations for all oils at the wells reached by Standard Oil pipe lines are GROCERY CLERK, country preferred.

STENOGRAPHERS. as follows: P'ennsylvania. Tiona, GEO. TROTTER, 12393 Euclid-av. bell (W.

Newcastle, West Corning, Virginia and Ca- MECHANICAL engineer, experienced in A CLASS and rollable stenographer Lima, southern Ohio, South Lima grade, and Indiana. machinery, concrete work. Box 5001 Eu- work is required. Box 48-T, Plain Dealer. high North hoisting.

conveying electrical and automatic desires position where rapid and accurato Kansas and Indian territory, 32 degrees clid. YOUNG lady stenographer, 4 years experiand above, 41c; Somerset OFFICE position wanted by young man with ence, desires permanent position, can Ragland, 65c; Corsicana (Texas), light, TOo; knowledge of bookkeeping. Box 120-T, Plain gist on books. Box 26-W, I'lain Dealer. Corsicana.

heavy, tbc. Dealer. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. 429 The ArOIL CITY. Sept.

balances PAINTING, paper hanging, fresco decorat- cade. Main 1130 L. runs 02,072 bbls; average 144,924 bbls; shipts ing; lowest wages; wall paper 1c per roll 182,970 bbls; average 107,950 bbls. and up. PECK.

7514 S. E. COLLECTIONS. Turpentine Markets. itor.

PRINTER--Situation pressman and wanted stone by hand; Al compos- capable COLLECTORS -Ten clean cut, aggressive CIIARLESTON Sept. taking charge. Box 101-X, Plain Dealer. men; must know Cleveland; salary $12 to Steady at A. SALESMAN, 25 years old, married, good $21 per week at start.

A Call 8:30 to 11:30 Rosin-Steady. Quote: $2.50 following a amongst architecta, building con- Monday a. 701 The Arcade. 2.27: IT I tractors, steamfitters and plumbers in CleveTHE LOGAN-WILLIAMS ADJUSTMENT MI Wg IVw land. Box 100-T, I'lain Dealer.

612 Euclid. Cent. 363. Main 1197. $0.10.

STENOGRAPHER and clerk. experienced, SAVANNAI, Sept. bbls; -Firm shipts with some Box knowledge of Plain bookkeeping, Dealer. de- DOGS, POULTRY. PET STOCK.

at 36c; sales 321 bbls; rects 61 sires position. 103-8, 1,088 bbls. 2,563 STENOGRAPHER, ten years' experience, DR. FAIR treats horses, doga and cats, Rosin- Firm; sales 2.779 bbls; rects Case student, desires temporary work for hospital and boarding kennels. bbls; shipts 4,510 bbls; stock bbls.

one week. Box 00-W, Plain Dealer. 3712 near M. 55th. I'hones.

Quote: B. I STOCKKEEPER. shipping clerk or receiv- FOR SALE--King Charles spaniel. Box 180, Ww $0.25. ing clerk.

Box 22-T, Plain Dealer. Station B. $3.85: We tine- Nothing WILNINGTON. doing; Sept. rects 81 casks.

wagon TEAMSTER or anything wishes in position that as line. driver, Box 19-T, coal KODAK WORK. turpenRosin- Steady at rects 573 bbls. Plain Dealer. EXPERT kodak Anishing, good Tar--Firm at rects 34 bbls.

R. reliable work. recta two bbla. tion of any kind. Box 9-T, Plain Dealer.

Nat. Bank now 308 Euclid-av. Crude turpentine- -Firm at $1.50, $2.00 and BOY, 17, willing to work, would like post- F. STOLL, specialist, top floor Union show's the week's prices and net sold on the New last week: Net High. Low.

Close. chge. 3314 11 34 11 70 26 923 20 19 19 611 103 10.7 10.0 1 11 40 A 31 34 9014 001- 8 201 CO 29 5:14 17 27 1 46 107 102 54 103 814 49 47 1 107 96 10.3 92 103 3 180 150 9.7 3174 31 31 131 129 2 69 9.3 131 68 131 68 005 93 237 23 0234 92 9134 4514 11; 47 93 10133 97 NO 89 312 3 23 22 1 52 5014 137 310 133 12 14 175 201 201 20914, 2578 208 1 2734 27 90 42 26 24 24 6 251 134 136 14114 1421, 2 130 1.1 11., 102 163 13616 135 13314, 1 551 11 61 37 84 35 38 36 37 1 58 0. 65 54 20 1.

The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.