The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

to Administrator Rich's ordinance. In the trade, and have a regular abaynthe 10 cases fish 5 line of boats run- From Bordeaux-300 cases Daily Picayune. on the meantime principal roulette and streets keno of this houses city, flourish and ning The in John Yazoo E. River. Hanna was brought to the 55 cases mustard sardines 26 cases Smith princes Bros cases Saturday night the laboring man de- landing, receive head of shaft.

Poydras street, yesterday, cases and do wine to order- cases 50 sardines do 8. MORNING, OCT. poults therein two thirds if not all of his to a new 1 923 every 10, '83. week's earnings. It is deplorable to see the The Dyersburg has been withdrawn from prunes 400 cases brandy cherries the Lower Coast trade.

synthe 50 cases mushrooms THE GROTZ-NORDEN WEDDING STEAMBOAT CUTTING -THE MOBILE MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE- A QUEER DOLLARRAISING A BOILER -MOBILE AND OHIO TRAINS -THE GAMBLERS AND THE POLICE. (Correspondence of the MOBILE, Oct. 8, 1883. Things continue to happen in Mobile, and of these the most important are the fires. It is a coineidence that the conflagrations of the week have taken place just before daybreak, and in the business portion of town, where the houses are closed up at night.

The fire of yesterday morning was discovered at 4 o'clock, and its place of origin was underneath the stairway on the lower floor of a three story brick storehouse. Such fires are attributed to the cheapness of matches. While this fire was raging on Commerce street, another alarm sounded for a fire in the extreme southern portion of the town. Fortunately, both conflagrationa were extinguished before any great damage was done. Mr.

C. L. Powers has imported several head of fine Friesland cattle, and the same are attracting general attention. The ow of this importation has a record of 61.6 pounds of milk for one day. Mr.

Powers la in the position to greatly improve the local breed of cattle. The wedding of the week was that in which August Gratz, and Miss Julia Norden took a leading part. The ceremoales were at the German Lutheran Church, Rev. George Frank, of Algiers, opposite New Orleans, having come over expresaly to perform the same. After the couple were made one there Was a great jollification at the residence of Mr.

Grata, on Dauphine street. It is many a day since such old-time, wholesonled party has been assembled in this city. It was a feast and a rejoicing which made the heart giad, and not one of the participants in the celebration will ever forget it. There were floods of wine, tons of cake, bushels of flowers, brass band of music, and an assembly of friends who knew how to appreciate generous hospitality. was not there, but friend who was said it took two hours for him to get out of the house.

It would seem that the eurrent of hospitality set in 80 strongly that it was as much as he could do to keep from being swept away by it. In biting contrast is the terrible drouth which still prevails. The rivers are getting down to hard pan, and the wells are drying up. It is reported that the market gardeners have to haul water several miles from the creeks and rivers, and that, it the rain does not come, the water carta will have to go even further and perhaps fear more than at present. The steamboata continue to run, but have more or less tronble.

In addition to the low water and short crape, together with the consequent lack of money in the Interior, the bouts are forced to fight the Peninah, New Orieans steamer heretofore mentioned. The way the Peninah 1a managed causes considerable discussion. She gets no business at all, and the captain sits on the boiler deck, smokes his cigar and saga it la all right. She has forced all save one of the home steamers to cut rates onehalf, but all the freight goes the same way It did before ahe arrived. She is running short trips twice a week and the impression is that she is paid by New Orleans parties to work here in order to keep her away from New Orleans.

At any rate it is evident the captain is not losing his own money. When a man loses 8700 a week he must show some concern, or he must rush around a little and try to diminish the loss. Capt. Gilham does neither one nor the other. He manifeats the utmost jollity and does not stir peg to pick up business.

The Mobile Merchants' Exchange is evidentiy on the tarn. Over 125 of the 200 shares of stock have been taken, the officers are elected and the committees appointe in accordance with the constitution adopted last Wednesday. Mr. A. Pope St.

John, very intelligent gentleman, has been selected as Secretary of the Exchange. The Exchange makes a big mistake at the start, however, by placing the salary at a low figure. The office requires first class work in every respect and deserves a first class salary. In this case it is false economy to take advantage of the fact that the excess of supply regulates the amount of wages. The Exchange contemplates fitting up butiding for its purpose, but will no doubt soon erect a home for itself which will be credit to it and to the city.

We are having lots of excitement over a counterfeit of the New Orleans standard dollar. A large number of the small retailera have been bit. It is a very well made piece, about one-quarter light weight, gray in color and oily in appearance. The die from which the connterfeit is made, is in every respect a masterpiece of engraving. Had the counterfeiters a powerful stamping machine.

or a firmer metal than lead, the east would be perfect. As it is, it will dedelve nine people out of ten, but more particularly the newspaper men, who are unaccustomed to handling money in such large sums. The detectives fell to the racket at once and soon spotted an invalid in the Providence Infirmary, who was accustomed to leave the every evening, saying he had business down town. About midnight he would return, and for two or three hours later a light in his room would indicate that he was busy. In the daytime he did nothing but read, and appeared be a consumptive in an advanced stage.

A few days before the counterfeits were discovered, this man moved from the infirmary to the Gulf City Hotel, and was there called upon by a detective. He resisted the intrusion and was only arrested after struggle. On being examined all of the vietins except one declared that the accused resembled very much the man who passed the money, but not one could swear that he was the identical man. He was according ly released. The dollars are preserved mementoes of some one's cunning rascality.

The Bayou Sara locomotive has been suecesstully raised. Superintendent Belknap raised it from the bottom of the bayou by meane of barges which he sank along side of it and then pumped out. The flotilla was tugged down to the Mobile River and thence to the railroad shops below this city. There the locomotive, barges and all were put into dry dock and lifted up. The locomotive was then run out upon a barge and thence by a false track was moved into the repair shops.

This engineering feat has been very aniltully and rapidly performed and reRecta credit upon Mr. Beiknap. The schooner Day break came in this week from Mantego Bay, Jamaica, bringing, beaides 100.000 cocoanuts, the mate and two seamen of the American bark D. C. Chapman.

These sailors report that on the 16th of September their vessel was dismasted and wrecked in a cyclone in Mantego Bay. The bark was owned in and bound for Baltimore. with phosphate from the island of Navarea. I do not tind any such vessel ineluded in the shipping list of the Maritime Register. The Mobile and Ohio Railroad will run two trains daily from here on and after the fret, to connect with the Northeastern Road at Meridian.

This extra train will leave here about 8 o'clock every morning and will ave our people and our newspapers a much needed outlet. The one train a day system done great deal to hold back the powth of the road, but it has not been done away with because it is claimed that a seeend train would not pay. The argument a weak one and unworthy a great railroad corporation. It is pleasant to note that Col. Jordan is determined to make the experineut any way.

He will be surprised to find that it will pay. To put on an extra train, will require more engines and more rolling stock. it is expected, therelots, that there will be at once a big revival of work at the Whistler shops. The Police Board is now about to attack that bydra, publie gambling houses. There la a State law, but ita enforcement amounts my to a license.

The Police Board propose to enforce a similar law or prove conthat such a law cannot be enThe argument is that if the law anything it should be put in pracbat if is meaningless and fraud, it ought to be abolished: besides, if gambling has got to exist, and are imposed, the port. as well as the and the State Attorney, should parpate in the profits so accruing. There is doubt that should the Police Board depulling, at ita next meeting to put a stop to as it has been put a stop to in speedily. the thing can be done practically The doubt in this case atto the Bolice Board, which la no betnot as a hoard than it is individually, and be counted upon to act in an entirely pendent manner. It is folly to expect dependent set from those of the board hold.

one else for they in this connection it is. that the Coroner of Mobile county, the next man in succession to the proprietor of a keno room. It that if he has any exert with it the Police Board, he to put 31 end cases sardines vegetables 50 cases Meyer cotton seed A 23 Pinssan bales moss 5 400 hhda aks hides salt 6 bbls A RED RIVER AND COAST LINE. A 1070 do Solari- 3L5 do 87 hides 80 pizza egga 16 head cattle and sun- OFFICE No. 46 CAMP STREET (UP STAIRS).

do dries to order- Cotal-321 bales cotton- AS. P. TRUBLOW, President; M. N. WOOD, OH W.

DROWN, Fornaris-830 seed cotton Issue through Bit's of Lading to all points in AS, in connection with the Texas and 114 150 cases cases brandy ab- All Rail 221 bales wool 3 cases bales blankets leather 325 50 Pacific line Railway of and ita connections. For all Texas information apply at cont 'a ofoe. Schmidt Ziegler- bbls wine 1 hf do 1 case do 2 873 This steamers will run regularly to all pointa on RED RIVER UPPER 00AST cases canned goods 70 cases dried fruits to PLAQUEMINE, BAYOU and LOWER COAST. MOBILE MATTERS. result and degradation which follows.

Whisky is the next article resorted to, and thence onward the ruin is speedy and complete. This communication ends with calling attention to the fact that the Alabama Railroad Commission advises railroad companies to provide their passenger cars with open-faced boxes, into which may be slipped cards bearing the names of the stations. By such a system time can be saved and also the trouble caused by the mistakes passengers make in missing their stations. B. C.

LAGNIAPPE. LAGNIAPPE. glance, a smile see it yet! A How A moment strange ere to the tell! We train was scarcely starting; met, And yet I telt a pain at parting! And you (alas! that all the while "Tia I alone who am confeasing!) What thought was lurking in your smile Is quite beyond my simple guessing. I only know those beaming rays Awoke in me a strange emotion, Which, basking in their warmer blaze, Perhape might kindle to devotion. Ah! many a heart as staunch as this, By smiling lips allured from duty, Has sunk in passion's dark abyssWrecked on the coral reefs of beauty And 80 'tis well the train's swift flight, That bore away my charming stranger, Took her God bless her! out of sight, And me, as quickly our of danger! G.

Saxe. "A preventive of typhoid fever la to boil the drinking water," and a preventive of dyspepsia is to drink the boiling water. A matter of choice as well as of Hartford Post. Professor to class in surgery- The right leg of the patient, as you see, la shorter than the left, in consequence of which he limps. Now, what would you do in a case of this kind! Bright student Limp, too." German Joke.

We read in an exchange of a young lady having been made crazy by a sudden kiss. This should teach young ladies to be constantly expecting something of that kind, and to be prepared for it when it comes. Lowell Citizen. Dear me!" cried Mrs. Blossom, as she laid down the paper, it does seem to me 88 if those State militia fellows are always in trouble.

Here's an account of a recent inspection where the company turned out firty-three men. Too bad, ain't it Anon. A little girl sat on the floor, erying. After a while she stopped and seemed buried in thought. Looking up suddenly, she said: Mamma, what was I eryin' about!" Because I wouldn't let you go down town." yes," and she set up a howl-Arkansaw Traveler.

It was a very fair dinner at Sir Gorgy Buster's," said Mrs. though I think a little more attention might have been bestowed on the entresols, and if the lights had had what the French call their it would have better for the London Puuch. A couple of pickpockets followed a gentleman for some blocks with a view of availing themselves of the first opportunity to relieve him of his purse. He suddenly turned into a lawyer's office. What shall we do now?" asked one.

"Wait for the lawyer," said the MornI'm terribly grieved and ing Call, disappointed in the market," said an up-town man on looking at the paper on Saturday evening. Why, what's the matter with it?" inquired solicitous friend. Well, you see, I've been on all sides of the thing this week. It's gone the other way every time," sadly responded the -N. 1.

Commereial Advertiser. There are some fellowa who can't remember anything. Here's an advertisem*nt from the Dispatch: "Lost. If the party who got my pocketbook at the fire last night will please forward my letters of introduotion to my wife, I shall esteem it a A man who has been away from home so long that he has to get a friend to write him letters of introduction to his wife, has no business to be fooling around a fire. Pittsburg Telegraph.

Working up to it: can swim the whirlpool at Niagara," said a stranger in a confidential whisper to a hardware man on Woodward Avenue yesterday. "Can you "I feel that I can. I should like some advice from you. Would you try it if you were me No, air -no sir. I wouldn't think of such thing.

A man who hasn't been in a bath tub for a year, nor had on a clean shirt for a month, wouldn't stand the ghost of a show with whirlpool. You'd better go and tackle drink of water and gradually work up to it." Detroit Free Press. Lundborg's Rhenish cologne. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. MOBILE ROUTE.

(Louisville And Nashville Leaves. 8:22 A.M. 9:47 Conet accommodation 3:37 P. M. 8:02 A.

1 Fast mail. 6:12 P. 9:32 GREAT JACKSON ROUTE. (Chicago, 8t. Louis and New Orleans Railroad.) Arrives.

No. 3. 17:00 10:45 12 Sunday Excursion No. .7:80 A.M. No.

11. 8:80 P.M. TEXAS AND PACIFIO RAILWAY. Leaves. for Shrove 12:15 M.

7:80 A.M. A Baton 6:30 A.M. 7:00 P.M. STAR AND CRESCENT ROUTE Leaves. Alexandria.

7:15 6:45 P.M. For Houston. 13 M. 8:80 A. 1 THE RIVER.

PICAYUNE OFFICE, Wednesday, Oct. 10, STAGE OF WATER IN THE RIVERS, with changes in the 24 hours ending 2 P. Tuesday, Oct. 9, 1883. Above Changes.

Dang' low water. Rise. Fall. Line. Ft.

In. Ft. In. Ft. In.

Ft. Cairo Cincinnati. 00 0000 La Crosse. Little Leaven Omaha. Memphis Nashville.

Davenport. Dubuque. Rock worth. A 00 St. Louis.

St. Paul Yankton. Below high water mark of 1874. DEPARTURES YESTERDAY. Neptune, Jewel, Belle of the Coast, Mabel J.

M. White, Future City and barges. DEPARTURES THIS DAY. Buras -Daisy, 11 A. M.

Quarantine Alvin, 11 A. M. Ouachita- H. Hanna Blanks, 5 P.M. Donaldsouville 12 M.

Bayou Sara Corona, 5 P. M. Memphis -Helena, 5 P.M. St Louis -Montana, 5 P. M.

DEPARTURES TO-MORROW. Port Neptune, 9A. M. Nairn plantation- Jewel, 11 A. M.

Hampton Point -Mabel Comeaux, 12 M. Donaldsonville -Belle of the Coast, 12 M. Greenville--Ed. Richardson, 5 P.M. JACKSTAFFS.

The weather continues clear and warm. Rain is greatly needed in this section, and everybody is suffering for want of water. Business was fair on the Levee yesterday. The J. M.

White had a good trip out. To-day's departures are officered as follows: Daisy- Oliver Canton, master. Alvin- -W. T. Scovell, master, Frank Scoveil, clerk.

H. Hanna Blanks- J. W. Blanks, master, Joe 8. Holmes, clerk.

Assumption -A. Dugas, master, John Taylor, clerk. Corona John C. Libano, master, E. Mossop, Helena, clerk.

Ino. Crane, master, Geo, Miltenberger, Montana -Henry. Keath, master, Earle, clerk. The Helena arrived yesterday with 7291 packages of freight, including 3107 bales cotton. It is rumored that the New Orleans and Vicksburg Packet Company in the will Vickaburg shortly place two more -boats Mr.

R. G. Rawlings is on the J. M. White posting himself about the river between Vickaburg and New Orleans.

The Helena will receive some extensive alterations at the conclusion of the present business season. She will be lengthened 60 feet, and her stern remodeled, will receive new and improved machinery, and her cabin will be enlarged and more elegantly furnished. The H. Hanna Blanks leaves day, advertised, taking freight for the Ouachita and Atchatalaya Rivers, with the privilege of reshipping it on the Marcus Collins and Hebert. The Ed.

Richardson left Lake Providence last night, with 4400 bales cotton. The City of Yazoo started from Vickaburg at 11 o'clock yesterday morning with 1300 bales. What is the matter with the Vicksburg Herald! Only a month or 80 ago we remember reading in its editorial columns profusion of elaborate puffs" relative to the officers and steamboats of the New Orleans and Vickaburg Packet Company. Capt. Leathers was invariably written about, among other complimentary expressions, a8 "man of good old horse sense," and his views on the Mississippi River and the River Commission were aired in ite columns without stint.

Capt. Campbell was on all occasions referred to as "genial, jovial, clever, a tip-top with," while Capt. Tobin came in for his steamboatman, and a good man to travel prO rata of the same article. But BOW, strange to Bay, all this has suddenly changed. Capt.

Leathers, it seems, hasn't any more good old horse sense," and Capta. Campbell and Tobin are away below par, both as clever men and reliable steamboatmen. In fact, the whole tea party is no good any more. The Herald is evidently rampant about something or other, and we are at a loss to understand what it de all about, unless it is, as some one suggests, owing to the fact that the Packet Company has relieved its columns of three or tour large advertisem*nts, the substantial enjoyment of which that paper had all to itself for years until recently. We hope such is not the case.

It would be very poor taste, to say the least. In view of the fact that the National Board of Steam Navigation will meet in convention in New York on the 24th of this month, it would be well for the steamboat owners of this port to hold a meeting shortly and appoint one or two intelligent delegates to attend the convention and represent their large interests. Cincinnati Enquirer, 7th: Major D. L. Sublett, Assistant Engineer of the Kentucky River improvent, reports the completion of dam No.

4 on the Kentucky River, just below Frankfort. The first timber was laid July 23, and the last sheeting was put on yesterday. The dam is 528 feet long at the crown, feet high and 34 feet wide. It contains about 40,000 lineal feet of timber, 100,000 feet of sheeting, 5981 cubic yards of rip rap stone and 16,000 pounds of iron and spikes, aud cost the Government $18,500. Memphis Appeal, 8th: The construction of mattresses has been continued during the past ten days by Major Miller, above HopeHeld, and 664 by 140 feet of mattress was constructed and 1082 by 140 feet of mattress sunk.

Heretofore the mattresses have all been straight. The one sunk during the ten days was curved 80 as to conform to the outline of the bank. The mat was sunk without any accident, and 490 by 40 feet upper bank revetment was made. During the ten days the hydraulic grader graded 655 lineal feet, or 4105 cubio yards of earth, at a cost of cente per lineal toot, or centa per cubic yard. The work was considerably delayed by thick stratum of blue clay, overlying sand, which was very hard to cut.

The snagbout John R. Meigs has been employed in removing snags, and accomplished the following work: Eightynine snags removed and two rack-heaps broken up. It is expected she will finish by Oct. 10. The Graham and the Daphne have been employed in towing barges and in obtaining supplies from Memphis.

The two willow parties furnished 542 cords of brush and 76 cords of poles during the 10 days. Considerable diffienity is experienced in obtaining a sufficient supply of brush on account of the low stage of water and trouble in getting and holding labor. Nine hundred and thirty cubic yards of stone were received during the 10 days. Vicksburg Post, 8th: The snagboat Henry 8. MeComb had got down as tar as Wilson's Point yesterday, where the Issaquena passed her.

She had done some good work from Greenville to that place, pulling all the snags in the channel as she came along. It is expected she will get down to Chotard today, where she will find plenty of work. St. Louis Republican, 7th: Major Frank Bigney, the lightning river editor of the Globe-Democrat, is arranging the publicaion of a Journal of Honor, to make its appearance, Nov. 1, and it will be spicy and ably edited.

We bespeak a good subscription. DELTA, Oct. Wm. R. Friable, 47 Carondelet street: John Gilmore down at 11 A.M.

All right. INo. H. LONG. VICKSBURG, Oct.

To Lord MoPeake: Leave at 11 A. 1300 bales. T. G. LEDBETTER, Steamer City of Yazoo.

PROVIDENCE, Oct. E. Conery Sen: Leave here to night with 4400 bales of cotton. Leave Thursday as usual for Greenville and the bends. W.N.

CALMES, Clerk steamer Ed Richardson. LOUISVILLE, Oct. The river is rising slowly'1 with 4 feet 10 inches in the canal. Business good. Indian summer.

Celina in Evansville, Minnetonka left for Cairo. Carter has gone down to take the South from Flint Island. The City Madison, Cincinnati. MEMPHIS, Oct. The river is rising slowly.

No arrivals or departures. Weather clear. MARINE NEWS. PICAYUNE OFFICE, Oct. 10.

CLEARED YESTERDAY. Span Steamship Mayaguez, Mendialdua, for Malaga, Muir, Duck worth Steamship Louisiana, Gager, for New York, A Moulton Steamship Wm Hewes, Hill, for Havana, Morgan's La Tex RB $8 Co Brit Steamship North Cambria, Evans, for Havre, A Miller Am Steamship Kate Carroll, McBaker, for Providence, Silas Weeks ARRIVED. French Steamship Bordeaux, Reculoux, from Antwerp via Havre and Bordeaux, to Forstall, Clayton 4th district 40 Brit Steamship Ganges, Piper, 28 days from Hull, in ballast, to Hall Vaughan4th diesrict 45 Brit 6chr Ring Dove, Ward, 5 days from Bustan, to Sivori-1st district 15 Schr Laura, Pettigrove, 38 days from Boeton, to Crescent City Ice Co--Lat district STEAMERS. Heiena, Crane, fm St Louis. Alvin, Scovell, im Lower Coast.

Corona, Labano, fm Bayou Sara. EXPORTS. MALAGA-Steamship Mayaguez-1505 bales cotton 40.250 pcs staves NEW YORK- Steamship Louisiana -2878 bales cotton 50 bales moss 700 bbls oil 210 bbls rice 346 bdla hides 2240 aics cotton seed meal 75 pkgs mdse 277 ska wool 500 cases Dunbar's shrimp 9000 pcs staves NEW YORK- Steamship Morgan City 3787 bales cotton 183 bales hides 90 bales istle bales hair 1277 aka wool 1275 cases salmon 876 ska beans 250 bbls oil 31 bales hops 166 hf bbis wine and brandy 1861 dry hides 344 bdle hides 200 bbis rice 30 bbla molasses 20 Hinds bones 75 bales moss 1792 sks cotton seed meal 245 pkgs mdse Nora Cambria-5670 bales cotton PROVIDENCE (R I) -Steamship Kate Carroll- 2427 baies cotton IMPORTS. ANTWERP Steamship coils wire 32 pkgs muse to order-81 do 50 cases gin 8 cks wine 24 cases do Belize Line- 135 do Pohiman jr 2 do 6 cia do Kock Dreyfus25 cases cheese A Solari- 40 do Gelpi Bro 1. piano Van Huftlen-78 cases toys, porcelaine etc A Koenig too 21 pkgs muse to Morgan Line 2 bbis do T.

Generellydo A Suchmann -1 do A Lehman deco 6 do Isaac. From Havre 560 cases pickles. 29 caska do 50 baskets champagne to order 200 bales bars Morton, Blue ease terbo -13 du Koch Drey do HE do Bros do Rev Butler -1 do Harne 5 de Dullho Beer 1 J. pkgs do Forestier- 13 pkgs flowers. bronze etc trunk do 80 Larue co -22 ware etc Spear Escoffer- James 20 do 100 cases champagne Forstall, Clayton -100 do 32 pkgs muse Line 2 do Kunts cask ware Generally- 100 bbis herrings to Gelpi Bro 11 cases preserves Slacken to A Tourne- 1 case samples a to drugs A Nodal-9 cheese casks china ware Koenig cases Schriever.

8 hhda wine Rev Mr Rouge 7 pkgs harness Menard-3 mdse Fourton-4 cases caps 10 cases fish Limongy-25 do 45, cases canned goods 150 cases sardines 265 cases wine Gelpi Bro- 55 do 6 hhds do Bassetti Xiquescases do 100 cases sardines 765 cases brandy cherries 250 cases vinegar 25 cka do 5 hade do Dubois -18 cka chinaware I Gauche's Sonscka cognao 1 hhd wine 1 box samples Nadal-16 bhds wine 7 hr do 36 cases do 16 cases liquors 12 cases sardines 50 cases vinegar 5 hr cks do 4 bbia fish 35 cases edibles. A Tourne-5 cases card pictures Brulatour -18 cases toys 1 hhd wine A Koenig -10 cases do 14 cases dry goods Holmes -11 cases mise Sembre-2 do Generelly-1 do Callier-300 cases prunes St Louis Miss Valley Trans Co8 pkgs china and g'ware Damiens- Cavaroe 290 Son-6 casks dried raisins 1 case powder pigs imitation bronze Scooler-10 cases clogs Cornibe-10 de 4 cases wine 3 pkgs mdse LeBlano-83 do 89 cases sardines 245 cases wine 150 cases fish 34 hhds wine 20 hi do 20 cases vermouth Forstall, Clayton deco LIVINGSTON- Steamship Wanderer-196 aka coffee 14 bola rubber 1 box do 8 bxa plants Macheca Bros- 7 coffee 5 bales sarsaparilla bbis sugar 1 bale eking 9 hides A Moths. From Port Cortez- bunches bananas 7000 cocoanuta 3 ska coffee 16 bxa minerals Macheca Bros. From Belize 70,000 cocoanuts 20,875 plantains 2095 bunches bananas 6 bbis oranges 5 limes Macheca Bros RUATAN- Ring bananas 800 bunches cocoanuts to Sivori RECEIPTS OF PRODUCE. ST LOUIS -Steamer Helena- -24 bbis apples Lawrence do A Wayne -183 ska bran Sheridan Ryan-59 do Gibbons 213 do Courtin O' Donnell-480 do Gomila 125 do Pohlmann jr -118 do 584 bbis four Buddecke 267 do 87 ska bran Vairin -145 ska corn Gumbel -145 bxa soap Trois 52 bbis flour Glover Oden.

dahl-178 do Schwabacher-2 do I Wise6 bbis oatmeal Theurer Becker -276 sks malt Southern Brewing Co-105 do Klumpp-25 cks beer Rice doo do Haas- 2 cases h'ware Gauche's Sons- ground oats Chaffe Sons- 6 coils rope Kuebel Raquet100 pcs pipe Luderback-29 do Hennesy B10 500 empty barrels Norton Manning-50 kegs shot Hoyle -lot mose Rice, Born -15 co do Stauffer, Macready A Adler baskets Pace- -14 pkgs mise I Lyonsdo -7 Co A Baldwin do Horter -1 do Coyle do kegs lead Ong-1 bbl molasses HT do Hartwell Chambers -lot mdse Duggan- do Schwartz do Sarrazindo sarrazin-2 pcs castings Leeds dco-15 flour Rivet -5 bbis whisky 3 ht do and sandries Red River Trans Co-6 bxs soap Morgan Line -874 bales cotton Phelps doo do Lehman, Abraham -34g Hardie 281 Richardson May-237 Allen, West Bush 138 Newman -137 A Meyer co129 TE Allen Harris, Parker to order-94 Lallande-62 Adler, Gold. mann Miller 30 Jarey Gillis 17 8 Gumbel Shattuck Hotman-12 Britton son-12 Craig dco-10 Dobbins Dazey-5 Gidtere, Day 4 Kirkpatrick Buckner 2 Isaac Levy-1 Graham, Black sundries to order-Total-3107 bales cotton LOWER Alvin-133 bbis rice to 8 Haspel-101 do A Villermin-27 do Roder sundries to order-Total-261 bbis rice BAYOU SARA- Steamer Corona-51 bales cotton Newman-39 A Meyer 37. Lehman, Abraham d00-34 Norwood Richards-33 Gumbel 32. Harris, Parker 31 Gumbel Bros Mayer-19 Richardson May 17 sentell 11 Gidiere, Day Gibert-9 Gragard-9 Scannell Lafaye8 Hyman, Lichtenstein Payne, Kennedy 4 Bush Levert-4 Flower Thompson Lacassagne-163 ska cotton seed Cotton Seed Ass'n-13 sks seed cotton Gretna Ginnery Co-2 do A Babin-8 do 5 bble syrup Groebel bbis sugar Scannell Latayo-35 a0 Miller -138 sks rough rice Micolo Lacaze-1 hhd hides A Babin-17 bbis pecans and sandries to orderTotal-356 bales cotton-162 aks cotton seed23 aks seed cotton- -138 aka rough rice-78 bbis sugar (new)-5 bbis syrup (new) RECEIPTS AT THE NEW BASIN. PEARL RIVER-Schr Leander Jane feet lumber to Adame PASCAGOULA-Schr Lone feet lumber to order WOLF RIVER- -Schr Jos feet Inmber to Buddig TCHEFUNCTA RIVER-Schr Daisy-400 bble sand to Wilmoth PASCAGO L.A -Schr Gen Washington-3000 bbis charcoal to order TCHEFUNCTA RIVER- -Schr L'Eclair30 cords wood to order PEARL RIVER- -Schr Petronia feet lumber to Adams WOLF RIVER- -Schr feet lumber to Nevers HANDUBORO- Schr feet lumber to De Merritt BILOXI-Schr feet der to Buddig TCHEFUNCIA RIVER -Schr Robt Haas 250 bbis sand to Clarke LAKE SHORE- Sour Fair Plav-350 bbis shells to order JORDAN RIVER-Schr Lizzie Albert-1200 bbis charceal to order RECEIPTS AT THE OLD BASIN.

BLIND -Schr Hattie M-27 cords wood order TCHEFUNCTA Schr Democrat1000 bbls charcoal to order TCHEFUNCTA RIVER -Schr Mamie A D- 30 corda wood to order LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE RE. Oct 9-154 cars. loaded follows-981 bales cotton Ranger Harris, Parker 800-94 to order -91 Gardner Copp-72 Line- Bush- 54 Lehman, Miller Abraham 3 A -88 Clason Allen. West 00-8 8 3 A Norden JJ Gragard-6 cars cotton seed cake to Cannon Stewart cars lumber Fischer-3 cars nails Rice. Born doo- -1 do Stauffer, Macready -5 cars oil Aldige-3 cars coal Danner -1 car hay Converse- car potatoes Miller Bros1 do Patton Benedict 38 bbis do Doherty 50 bble apples Greve Wildermann-1 car floor Glover do Groebel do McCloskey Henderson-1 do Gario-2 cars staves McFarland doo- 1 do cars lumber I Fletcher- 3 do Gienn-1 do 4 cars coal J'T Harahan-1 car syrup Delgado co-1 do May Vaught-1 do Nelson doo-1 do Schulze-1 car ginoose Barkley, Thomson I car cornmeal Lawrence dco-1 car empty barrels 1 car starch Norton 1 car wooden ware McGraw-2 cara tobacco A Miller do Stockmever-1 car oil cake Allen, West Bush-1 car hoop poles A Beck-1 car flour Schwabacher-1 car lime Jamison's Son-1 do Clark-1 do horse McGraw- 6 pkgs tobacco Hart Ong-201 pkgs tobacco Hernsheim Bro-1 40 cases do Levy Mandeville de to order-22 do Sarrazin-200 tabs butter A Caunon 200 do Vose Bros-1 car paper I Fletcher-1 car resin Simpson- car co*ke Whitney Works- 1 car lumber Langles -1 car cattle Ayco*ck, Michell do A Dillard-1 car hogs 5 Copps-1 car pipe bble whiaky Warmuth-2 cars Dreyfus -10 do Kendall J-10 bagging Stone Tutt-25 tube butter Palmer-25 bdls paper Meyer 7 rolls leather Smith, Boullemet Davis- 8 0xs beef Silbernagel-52 bbis whisky Nelson -25 do Flash, Preston do Lochte Cordes- 12 bales moss Duffour-100 cases powder Smith Bros lot axle ends Schwartz -156 pige mise Hailer- lot do West Son-do Stauffer, Macready do Barrett Weiman-do Holloway Gardesdo Rice, Born do A Baidwin -5 bbis eider Shropshire lot furniture and mise to various consignees -Total -1479 bales cotton ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD.

Trip Oct 9-100 care. loaded as follows -114 bales cotton to order 85 Richardson May-70 Hyman, Lichtenstein Gardner Copp 44 IT Hardie 32 8 0 Thomas Powell- 31 Bickham Moore- 27 8 Gumbel doo- 23 A Philippi Dobbins Waln sley -15 Gidiere, Day -13 Dazey-20 Lehman, Abraham -19 12 Craig doo-10 Chatte Sons 10 Adler. Goldmann A Meyer Rawline 8 Stewart Bros 7 Carver- 6 Berkson Bros 6 Payne, Kennedy Hawkins -5 Gumbel Bros Mayer- I 3 Walker 3 Flower Thompson -2 Weis -2 Norwood Richards-1 Allen, West Bush-1 BlochHarris, Parker -2 cars cattle 1 do Dillard-1 do Ayco*ck, Michell A Montgomery 1 car beer Schunlit-2 cars hay Patton Benedict 1 car meat McCioskey Henderson -1 car canned good. 410 bxs soap TT White -86 bxa cheese 20 tubs butter Lawrence -12 do Eurensing Sutter20 do 38 bxs cheese Vose Bros -23 ao 100 cases milk Moore 1r deco- 300 do Levis Bros -100 do Spor-2119 pcs meat Howard, Flower co- 30 bbis wine 35 nf do Theurer Becker800 bags malt Southern Brewing Co- Pace-170 120 bola lime Ong-10 bbis apples do Davison -187 do Stich Son-180 do Keller-176 do Doherty- 20 rolls leather Smith, Boullemet Davis -6 uhds tobacco Geo 8 do phaeton Schwartz-1 car cooperage J. 128 pkgs tobacco Irby Bro -100 bbis apples Bertucci co-1 car wood Hunter- lot vegetables, farnituae and sundries to various consignees-1 car wire 1 car nails I car beer 1 car esculents 1 car fonr 1 car soap 6 care sundries to order-Total 705 bales cotton- -14 hhds tobacco MORGAN'S LOUISIANA AND TEXAS RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP Oct 9 -Local 3 bbis molasses 7 Spor 5 do Gidiere, Day co do Tenno Weis -18 sugar 1 Chaffe di Sons 18 bales cotton Gumbel Bros de Mayer- 8.

de Schmidt Ziegler- 12 do Maxwell Peale. do Payne, Kennedy 8 Gumbel 10 R. T. Buckner 8 Nor wood de Richards-1 Walmales -8 Gibert 25 V. A Meyer doo 2.

Walker Dy Renshaw, Cammack co 43 Miller Newman -29 Cehman, Abraham 800 5 8 Flash, Preston -17 Sentell doo2 Williams 23 Weis A A Mouton- 17 Levy, Loeb, Schener A Plassan 2 Flaspoller-2 Phelps co -9 A PA Villermin-1 Gidiere, Day seed cotton Britton Mayson-91 bbis rice Walsh- 78 aka rough rice Lanaux 15 do Roos 12 do Cottam deco -100 bars load 20 pkgs tea 125 sas copper cement 194 bars copper bullion Morgan's Tex BR 88 Co 3565 ska wheat Moore deco 120 cases canned goods to order 50 bbis wine Junga-1 car meat Wm fa*gan-3 car sheep A Seago-21 head cattle Ayco*ck, Michell deco Per steamship Aransas, from Corpus Christ and Rockport -94 bdle hides 226 ska wool 76 bales akins 14 bales hair 90 bales istles Morgan's La Tex RR S8 Ce-17 bales skins to Illinois Central RR 40 cases canned turtles Dunbar's Sons- 3 turtles Bartholomew doo1 do Bear From Galveston 12 bales cotton Wm Blake TEXAS AND PACIFIO RAILROAD. Oct 9--159 bales cotton Harper 64 Walmaley doo 59 Gumbel Bros Mayer 50 A Boch-36 8 Rawline 25 Harris, Parker co, -23 Kressner-21 Chaffe Nicholson -15 Jurey Gillis 13 Kirkpatrick Weis Chatte Powell9 A Meyer 8 Flower Norwood Richards- Gidiere, Day doo- -1 Maxwell Peale- -and sundries to order- Total-528 bales cotton BY TELEGRAPH. NEW YORK, Oct 9-To A Moulton The steamship Hudson, Capt If Freeman, arrived this morning. SPOKEN. Bark Friehandel, from Bremen for New Orleans Sept 12, lat 46, Ion 14 DOMESTIO PORTS.

Newport Oct 5-Arrived, Brit steam. ship Eiphinstone, Dobson, from New Orleans fer coal Newport, Oct 5- Sailed, steamship Plainmiller, Rowe, for New Orleans FOREIGN PORTS. Antwerp, Oct4-Sailed, ship Dunrobin, Scott, for Galve-ton Hull, Oct 5-Sailed, bark Nordens Dronning, Henrisken, for Pen sacola Liverpool, Oct 4- Sailed, bark Mark Twain, Melville, for Galveston. 5 Sailed, ship Van. couver, Allen, for New Orleans LIST OF VESSELS.

Up, Cleared and Sailed for New Orleans OCTOBER 10, 1883. NEW YORK. Steamship Excelsior, Oct 0 Steamship Knickerbocker, Oct Nteamship New Orleans, Halsey. Oct PS CO Steamship Algiers, Oct NEWPORT. Steamship Plainmiller, Oct 5 PHILADELPHIA.

Brig Ellen Munroe, Sept 19 BOSTON. Schr Anna Kranz, Pervere Oct 3 LIVERPOOL. Steamship Chancellor, -sid Sept 22 Steamsnip Explorer, Black Sept 1 Steamship Historian, -sid A Aug 19 Steamship Tagliaterro, Jones. Aug 10 Ship Vancouver, Allen Oct 5 Ship John Watt. Sweetzer.

Oct Ship Fred Taylor, Tilley ald Sept 14 Ship Northumbria, Sept Ship Nuncio, Healey. Sept 13 Bark Maria Stoneman, McLare dept 9 LONDON. Steamship Silvertown 19 Bark Bertha, Oct HULL. Steamship Egyp. Monarch, Ericksen.sld Sept 22 BRISTOL Ship Walter Wallet, -aid Sept 16 SHIELDS.

Steamship Lady Sept 19 Steamsmp Gardenia. ald Sept 8 Steamalup South Tyne. -aid Aug 28 NEWPORT. Steamship Nymphal, Sept 18 Steamship Clandon, Pittuck, Sept 16 Steamship Nith, 1 Sept 16 Steamship Sept 12 TYNE. Steamship Lady Sept 15 DEAL.

Bark Dubrovacki, Sept 15 BARROW. Steamship Huntingdon, Sept 30 CARDIFF. Bark Neophyte, Porter. Sept 14 Steamship Birminia, Boselle. Sept 5 Bark Roma, Gerolimich.

ald Sept 27 Brig Primo, Sept 7 BORDEAUX. Steamship Sept 15 Bark Luis, sail Oct 15 Bark Alphonse et Marie, sail Oct 10 HAVRE. Steamship Sept 21 Steamship Provincia, Sept 8 Ship Ile Marthe, Tranchemar. 18 BREMEN. Ship Friedrich, Aug 26 Bark Frethanael, Waechter.

Aug GEESTEMUNDE. Steamship Hassia, Sept 17 CARTHAGENA. Bark Gustaf Adolf, Dahiberg. Sept 15 GENOA. Bark Giuseppe Lanata, Sept 23 Bark Louisiana, Podesta.

Sept Bark Elies, Ivancich sid Aug 27 MONTEVIDEO. Bark Glen Grant, -ald Aug 20 RIO DE JANEIRO. Steamship Gassendi, to sail Sept 23 Bark Diana, Sept 1 Bark Drothing Sofia, Sept STEAMBOATS. LOUIS. FOR ST.

LOUIS, CAIRO, MEMphis and way landings- -Steamer MONTAN Geo, Keith, J. Earle, clerk, Leaves WEDNESDAY, Oct. 10, at 5 P.M. For freight or passage apply on board or to J. B.

WOODS, Agent, 07-td 104 Common street. ST. LOUIS AND NEW ORLEANS ANCHOR LINE. FOR ST. LOUIS AND ALL way landings, reserving the right to pass all landings that the captain may deem unsafe -The steamer Leaves at 5 P.M.

For freight or passage apply to J. B. WOODS, General Agent. 04-tt 104 Common street. REGULAR MEMPHIS, HELENA AND NEW ORLEANS PACKET.

Leaves on WEDNESDAY, Oct. 10, at 5 P.M. FOR MEMPHIS, HELENA, Terrene, Arkansas City and all way landings- The steamer HELENA, John Crane, master, Geo. Milten berger, clerk, leaves positively as above. Boat reserving the right to pass all landings that the Captain may deem unsafe.

For freight apply on board, or to INO. A. WAYNE, Agent, No. 52 Carondelet street, BROCKETT CARTER, 97 Common street. Through bills of lading signed to Camden, Little Rock and stations on the L.

R. M. R. and Tex. R.

R. and its connections via Arkansas City, by BROCKETT CARTER, Agents. 07-td RIVERLINE CARRYING UNITED STATES MAIL. FOR TRENTON, MONROE AND landings on Ouachita and Black Rivers, connecting at Black Hawk Point with the MARCUS COLLINS for Simmsport, Churchville, and all landings Cross- on the Atchafalaya River as far as Melville ing. connecting at Black Hawk Point with the HERBERT The steamer H.

HANNA BLANKS, J. W. Blanks, master, J. S. Holmes, clerk, will leave as above WEDNESDAY, at 5 P.M.

The right is reserved to pass all landings the captain may deem For freight or passage apply to F. A. Blanks, President, No. 7 Delta street: or to Gee. D.

Hite, John A. Wayne, G. P. Work, Lord Mo Peake, R. P.

Britton, Agents. 06-t MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS INDE PENDENT ELECTRIC LIGHT PACKET. POR THE UPPER COAST TO Hampton Point and all way landings The new and handsome steamer MABEL COMEAUX E. J. Comeaux, master, P.

H. Bertram, clerk, will leave as above TUESDAYS, THURS DAYS and SATURDAY8, at 12 Has a clerk down at the head of Conti street daily to turning the coast on alternate days. recetve freight. IN0. HODGKINBON, 4 Conti street.

625-tf Bosta of this line reserve the right to pass passengera at the option of the Shippers RIVER. During the LOW WATER SEASON Our smaller class boats will run from ALEXAN. DRIA and COTILE up and down Red River, as far as navigation will permit, in connection with Morgan's and Texas and Pacific Railroads, By application at our office, No. 46 Camp street, shippers can get THROUGH RATES and full instructions how to ship their freights, and all information will be cheerfully given. We are prepared to handle promptly all busi ness from THIS DATE.

UPPER COAST and DONALDSONVILLE. ASSUMPTION, Dugas, master, John Taylor, alert, leaves every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, at 12 coming down the Cont on alternate days. Taking treight for Bayou Lafourche, with the privilege of reshipping on flatboats. B. RIVET, Agent.

FOR PLAQUEMINE. WHISPER, J. A. master, Frank Bergeron, leaves every MONDAY at 5 P. and DAY at 12 coming down the Coast ever WEDNESDAY and SUNDAY.

B. RIVET, Agent. CLERKS WILL BE FOUND ON THE FREIGHT FOR ANY OF THE ABOVE all and to retuse to taite tor freight bills. LOWER COAST, Boats leave follows: TOR PORT LADS -U. 8.


MONDAYS, Scovell, master, WEDNESDAYS Frank clerk, PRE And DAYS, at for QUARANTINE STAR TION, and, when justified, to the FORTE, turning on alternate days. JEWEL, Jas. T. master, O. Legier, THURSDAYS and SATOR.

DAYS, at 11 A.M., for all freight passen ger landings to NAIRN PLANTATION, FO turning on Sunaaya, Wednesdays and FOR BURAS -U. 5. Man. Steamer DAISY, Oliver Canton. Master leaves MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and FatDAYS, at 11 A.

returning THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS. UPPER COAST AND DONALDSONVILLE BELLE OF THE COAST, J. F. Aucoin, master, Edw. Nicolle, clerk, leaves SATURDAY, every at TUESDAY, 12 M.

taking THURSDAY and Bayou Lafourche, with the privilege of freight shipping on flatboats. B. RIVET, Agent. BOATS. LANDING AT ALL TIMES TO RECEIVE 5 61 '83 0 STEAMBOATS.


M. FOR GREENVILLE, VICKS. burg and way landings -The passenger steamer ED. RICHARDSON, John W. Tobin, master, Curt.

Holmes, clerk, connecting at Vicksburg with the Line for the Yazoo and Tallahatchie, and at Delta with the S. and P. Railroad. This boat reserves the right to pass all landings that the captain may deem unsafe. G.

P. Work, Jno. Janney, Geo. D. Hite, Agents.

VICKSBURG. PARISOT LINE. Leaves every MONDAY and FRIDAY, at 5 P. M. FOR VICKSBURG, NATCHEZ, Davis Bend and all way landingsThe new, fine passenger steamer S.

H. PARISOT, John A. Stevenson, master, A. Mo Vey, clerk, Leaves every MONDAY, at 5 P. M.

The fine steamer CITY OF YAZOO, T. G. Ledbetter, master, Frank Beck, clerk, Leaves every FRIDAY, at 5 P. M. Making direct connection at Vioksburg with steamers of P.

Line for all landings on the azoo, Tallahatchie and Sunflower Rivers. For freight or passage apply to LORD McPEAKE, 122. Gravier st. BROCKETT CARTER, 97 Common st. 826-tt UNITED STATES MAIL PAOKET.

Leaves every TUESDAY at 5 P.M. FOR VICKSBURG, NATCH Davis's Bend and way The steamer J. M. WHITE, Campbell, master, W. L.

Cannon, clerk. Leaves as above, connecting at Vicksburg with the P. Line, with the Anchor Line for St. Louis, and at Delta with the 9. and P.

B. G. P. Werk, Geo. D.

Hite, John A. 08-t Wayne, John Janney, A genta. BAYOU SARA. MERCHANTS' AND PLANTERS' PACKET COMPANY. FOR NEW ORLEANS, BAYOU Sara, Port Hudson, Baton Rouge land coast landings The fine passenger steamer CLINTON, J.

J. Brown, master, Theo. Sobin, leaves every MUNDAY and FRIDAY at 5 P. commencing FRIDAY, September 21. For freight or passage apply to J.

E. CARLIN, 35 Natchez street, INO. A. WAYNE, 52 Carondelet street, R. F.

BRITTON, 6 Tchoupitoulas street, Agents. MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS' PACKET COMPANY. NEW ORLEANS AND BATON ROUGE. GROSSE TETE R. BATON Rouge, Plaquemine, Bayou Gouha, Donaldsonville, and way landingsSteamer ST.

JOHN, E. O. Melancon, master, J. F. Muse, clerk, Leaves every MONDAY and FRIDAY st 5 P.M.

For treignt or passage apply to J. E.CARLIN, 35 Natones INO. A. WAYNE, 52 Carondalet Agents. my6-tt NEW ORLEANS, BATON ROUGE AND BAYOU SARA PACKET COMPANY.

FOR BAYOU SARA, PORT Hickey, Baton Rouge, ville and way landings, EDWARD J. GAY, 8. 8. streck, master, Leaves MONDAY and FRIDAY at 5 P. M.

For or passage apply on board, or to JOHN JANNLY, 99 Common street. GEO. D. HITE, 137 Gravier street. au5 tf THOMAS P.

LEATHERS, Manager. Leaves SATURDAY, P.M. FOR BAYOU SARA, PORT Hickey, Baton Rot steamer CORONA (In place of Jno. H. Hanna.) John O.

Lapano, master, J. H. Mossop, clerk, Boat reserves the right to pass all landings the captain may deem unsafe. For treight or passage apply on board, or to Geo. D.

Hits, John Wayne, John STEAMSHIPS. NORTE GERMAN LLOYD. STEAM BETWEEN BREMEN AND NEW ORLEANS, VIA HAVRE, SOUTH. AMPTON AND HAVANA The steamships of the NORTE A GERMAN LLOYD will resume the regular trips next tall, an follo war From From Bremen. New Orleans HOHENZOLLERN, October 6.

AboutWESER, November 17. AboutPRICES OF PASSAGE From Bremen, Southampton or Havre to He VAna or New Orleans- Cabin, $1.50. Steerage, $38 From New Orleans to Southampton, Havre Bremen Cabin, $150. Steerage, 345. From New Orleans to Havana- Cabin, Steerage, $15.

Onlidren Nder 10 years, half price. 1 year, tree. Our agent for Texas, Mr. J. Waldo, la Houston, is authorized to.

issue steerage sage orders at the following through From Bremen to Galveston, $38. The company reserves the right to change the route of the steamers, their advertised days of departure and the prices of passage. Passage tickets from Bremen, or Havre to New Orienna by the under signed. For further apply STOCK 00. Union COVINGTON ABITA SPRINGS.

UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMER NEW CAMELIA. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT, Commencing May 1, 1883. Will leave Milneburg on the rival of from Fields Tuesday Madison trip to Mandeville old Landing old Land 8A.M Sundays, for 1 and 7 Old Leaven La Sunday Water and a each $1 Chilar Louisville Depot, head of 6. 10. 38 Caron MORGAN'S LOUISIANA AND RAILROAD COMPANY.

CORPUS CHRISTI AND Elysian Passenger Fields take railroad terry beat, 100 at 7:15 A.M., reaching gan City at 12 M. there connecting with ers Morgan's plying from Morgan City in connection Louisiana and Texas Railroad. FOR CORPUS GalvestonARANSAS Will com Morgan City WEDNESDAY, Oct. 10. FOR BRAZOS SANTIAGO, 14 Galveston The iron steamer HARLAN Morgan FOR leaves Galveston MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS.

Lighterage at Corpus Christi (it any) at and expense of consignees. Lighterage at Brazo (it any) at rial of con gnees. Freights for all the above points received at the depot of Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Railrosd, toot of Lafayette street, dally, P.M. Tickets and staterooms secured until 5 P. at agents' office, or at the ferry landing the mora ing of departure.

C. HUTCHINSON, President J. C. SCHRIEVER, Traile Manager. Corner Magazine and Natches YORK.


The following Al from this lineLONE STAR NEW YORK. MORGAN CITE EXOELSIOR The steamehin MORGAN CITY, C. W. Adams, will anti tram Algiers on INSURANCE TUESDAY. NEW Oct.

9, P. M. for TO YORE PER Freight the above port received at the de pot of Morgan's Louisiana and Texas toot of Lafayette street, dally, until 5 P.M. Tor freight apply to O. HUTCHINSON, President G.

Traito Manage '79 0 cor. and ati THE CROMWELL LINE. TOR NEW YORK DIBBOT. To sail on SATURDAY, Oct. 13, 8 A.

M. This line is composed of the tolles KNICKERBOCKER, HUDSON, LOUISIANA. NEW NEW ORLEANS. T. P.

C. Halsey, master, will leave her whart, toot of Toulouse street INSURANCE BY THISLINE PER ONE Cabin Freight tor Liverpool, Bremen taken by this line, and through bills riven for the same. For or COULTON 4 00., 41 Carondelet street. VERA CRUZ. FOR VERA CRUZ VIA GALVESTON.

The A1 iron steamship WHITNEY, Capt. P. F. Hoxie. Will leave from Algiers on TUESDAY, October 16, 5 P.

M. Passengers take Morgan's terryboat, foot Elysian Fields street, at 05 P. M. Cabin Steerage passag Bound trip tickets No freight received without orders. For freight or passage apply to A.

C. HUTCHINSON, President, J. G. SCHRIEVER, Tramo Manager. 820 Office cor.

Magazine and Natches sta. VERA ORUZ, VIA BAGDAD (MATAMO' roe), Tampico and Tuxpan, connecting with steamers for Frontera, Havana and New The steamship OITY OF MEXICO. Capt. A. 0.

Emery. sail SUNDAY, Oct. 14, at 8 A. MC. For treight or passage apply to EDW.

A. YORKE, South west corner Gravier and Wells, Farce Co. 0flee, 164 Gravier street, will make shipments for the City of Mexico and all other points in the Republic of Mexico. Parties shipping must always furnish invoices of contents of pack ages. Blank involose tarnished on application at this office.


FOR CEDAR KEYS, KEY A West and Havana -The following Iron steamships will leave HUTCHINSON, THURSDAY. Oct. 25, 1883. MORGAN, THURSDAY, Nov. 1, 1883.

Passengers take Morgan's ferryboat, foot Elysian Fields street, at 7:15 A. M. Al Superior passenger accommodations. freights will be received at Morgan's of Lafayette Louisiana and Texas Railroad depot, foot street. For freight and passage, apply to A.

C. HUTCHINSON, President, J. G. Corner SCARIEVER, Magastne and Natches sta. Traffic Manager, FOR CEDAR TAMPA and Manatee, Fa.

The steamship Jas. leave hot TUESDAY, landing, foot October of at 4 street, New Basin, For freight or passage apply to R. and street. B. No glit will be a order from this Mends CENTRAL ERE PIONEER THO class iron steamer S.J will leave direct for Bonacca and Puerto Cortez, Spanish Hondurne, C.

A. On SATURDAY Sept 6 The first class U. mail steamer E. B. WARD, TE H.

Piscati, master, will leave for the above mentioned ports on WEDNESDAY, Oct. 10. For freight or passage apply to OTERI, Agent, 28 and 25 South Front street, near Gravier..

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.